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I spent my final day of flog gnaw between going to shows with Maeve and hanging out with Rocky, I was upset that flog gnaw was coming to an end. I was currently at Earl Sweatshirt and Bille Eilish had been amazing. It's crazy to believe how young she is. Earl was coming to an end and I was excited to see Brockhampton. 

I was assuming Ciarán was crazy about them because he practically begged me to go to them. This would also give us something to talk about while moving paintings. I had moved painting before with people I didn't know well and it got boring fast. I had left as the final song was coming to an end and went around to the back entrance of the stage and showed the guard the pass Rocky gave me. He slid to the side and let me enter.

To no surprise their weren't many people back there. I didn't mind though, I was happy to get a peak at them before hand. I took a seat on one of the couches in the back when quite a few people came wandering to my side of the stage. One in particular caught my attention with eyebrows that took up half his face. 

"Hey are you excited for the show?" The guy asked as another one came and sat next to me. I nodded before smiling as I saw a few getting ready on the other side of the stage.

"Should I? I've never listened to them before."

"Really? Why'd you get backstage then."

"Well, one of my friends gave me a pass. Then Ciarán, my new friend, begged me to come to the show. Even though he said he wasn't, and I wasn't going to stand alone out there."

"Well that's wise. But they are really good in my opinion. I'm one of the producers."

"Well, in that case-" I paused not knowing his name.


"Well in that case, Romil, I'll be holding you accountable for my enjoyment then. I'm Blaire, by the way." He let out a little laugh before I turned to the guy next to me. "Hi, how and who are you?"

"I'm Jaden Walker and I own a clothing company. Same with Nick over there, but different brands." I looked over to see every single indie girl's wet dream standing in front of me. If Maeve was here I would be shocked if she wasn't all over him already. He was hot I had to admit, but he was smoking which was making him less attractive by the second. Nick smiled and waved with a cigarette between his teeth. I turned back to Jaden and struck up a conversation until the band would come on. 

"It's just crazy how one member of the group has been constantly talking about a girl named Blaire who he described like you. I doubt it's you, but man that would be crazy." 

"Yeah, and I might just sound antisocial, but I'm the only Blaire I know. I think the name is becoming outdated."

"Perfectly fine it's fine." The voice sounded do familiar yet I couldn't place my finger on it. Probably some guy Maeve had played before. A guy came rushing out on stage screaming. This is intense stuff, he rushed out into the crowd which was a pretty bold move when I looked up and saw none other than Ciarán coming out and seemingly scanning the crowd. For me? I don't know but I had a sliver of hope it was. 

"Hey Jaden, I know I probably shouldn't be talking right now, but what's the name of the guy that keeps talking about Blaire."

"Well techhnicaly there's two of them. One makes fun of the guy for talking about her. The guy who talks about Blaire is named Ciarán and the guy who makes fun of it is Matt."

"As in Matt Champion?" 

"Um, yeah, he is in the band after all."

"Matt told me he worked in a Gas Station. For context Ciarán broke my arm." His eyes widened as did Romil's who was sitting on the ground near us. "So they're both famous?"

"I guess. I can't wait to see his face when he sees you. I haven't seen him this happy about someone since his ex. Hell she's probably here tonight somewhere. She's a bitch who doesn't deserve him." Romil said looking out onto the stage when Ciarán looked over and he smiled and gave him a thumbs up. He didn't seem too happy.


The boys seemingly stopped in the middle of a song. More importantly cut. They looked confused before Romil waved some of them off which resulted in all of them walking off. I heard Ciarán start talking first.

"Why can't anything go right? I'm trying to impress a girl tonight!" He whined as he walked right over to Romil.

"Dude, you're fine. If it's the girl I think you're talking about I wouldn't worry about it." Romil sighed as he continued on. "The fire Marshall says we have to shut down. The barricade is breaking down." I watched as Jaden's boyfriend had a burst of anger and Jaden quickly went over to calm him down. Ciarán came over and took Jaden's spot and put his head in his hands.

"Well although the fire Marshall thing is dumb. I think you preformed great." 

His head shot up and looked at me squinting in the dark. "Blaire?" I nodded as I moved closer. Most of the boys were rioting and yelling, rightfully so. "You actually came!" I nodded as I moved even closer as the commotion grew louder. Most of the boys were yelling at Romil, and I honestly felt bad for him, this isn't his fault. 

"So who's this girl you're trying to impress. Maeve?" I saw his face reddened as he shook his head. "Really? You were quite obsessed with her when you were driving me to the hospital."

"No offense to your roommate, she was not the nicest in the interview." 

"Well, to be fair I had 0 clue what Brockhampton was until you so I doubt she was excited to be there. While she was interviewing you with another person's questions, I was interviewing her idol. Well I wouldn't exactly call it interviewing, more like I got to play SKATE against him." I let out a small laugh. "But oh my god you guys are so fucking good. It shows, your fans love you guys so much they were breaking the barricade." 

"Yeah, I guess there's that." He seemed upset still, and I would probably be too if my performance was cancelled. He was looking down and fidgeting with his hands. 

"If this is about that girl I bet she was here and was hella impressed. If not she's and idiot who doesn't deserve your time. Trust me, and that's coming from the girl whose wrist you broke." I said smiling. He looked up for a moment and saw a brief glint of hope. "Since you're lucky enough to be moving some paintings with me next week, I want you to play me more Brockhampton songs." He nodded looking up and smiling. 

Broken Arm || Ciarán McDonaldWhere stories live. Discover now