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None of the events in this story are real. It is fictitious and I in no way am willing it to happen to those mentioned in this story.



Over the next week you couldn't get the events of that night out of your head. That mech's eyes remained in your mind, and you wondered what happened to him.

The news didn't give you any information, and so you decided to investigate it yourself.
You headed out that afternoon, cursing at how hot it was.

The area that the bots had crashed on was sectioned off, and you peeked over the tape, chewing your lip. Goddamn it.
You'd have to return that night when no one could see you.

You decided to spend the day out, and headed down to the trail.
As you walked, you noticed large dents in the ground, and upturned earth.
The trees were splintered and broken, and your heart started to pound.

You touched one of the trees, noticing burn marks.
A larger tree up ahead was bent and shaped as though a massive hand had crushed it.

Had the bots come through here?
You looked around quickly, heartbeat picking up as you searched. You saw nothing.
You climbed into a sturdy tree, scanning the area.

The sun got low as you watched the clearing, and before you realized it, it was getting dark.
You climbed down and headed back the way you came.

The ground began to tremble, and you froze, looking around.
Nothing happened, and you quickened your pace.
A loud roaring sound vibrated the trees and you looked up, seeing a massive carrier plane flying low to the ground.

A bright red light landed directly on you, and you realized you were pretty much screwed.
You began to run, not getting very far when the plane transformed and slammed down in front of you. You cried out, falling back as the one eyed mech looked down at you.

He growled in what you thought was possibly another language before charging towards you.
You shrunk back, awaiting pain.
A large shape flew out of the trees and crashed into the mech, sending him toppling over.

The shape got to it's feet and turned to you for a moment. It was the other mech! The one you couldn't forget. You stared at him, mouth hung open.

He returned his attention to the other mech, grabbing hold of him and toppling off into the trees.
You decided to stay, but you backed up a great deal.

After awhile the shaking and yelling stopped.
It was absolutely silent. Was it over? You sort of felt worried. What if he was hurt?
You slowly tiptoed in the direction they disappeared to, heart pounding loudly.

The area was torn up, dirt and trees smashed and scattered about. You looked around for any sign of the bots, breath hitching in your lungs. Nothing.

Then, a loud bellow.
You gasped, nearly jumping out of your skin. You ducked under a split tree and turned a corner, freezing when you saw one of the mechs laying on the ground.

You slowly moved closer, trying to be quiet. You stepped on a branch and it cracked loudly.
The mech's head whipped around and he growled loudly, swinging at you with a massive arm.

You cried out, ducking.
The mech dragged himself around to face you, smoke billowing from his back and cannons as he glowered at you.
You were dangerously close to him now, and your legs quaked.

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