The Rescue

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None of the events in this story are real. It is fictitious and I in no way am willing it to happen to those mentioned in this story.

"Organisch. Bist du am Leben?"

You slowly opened your eyes, blinking a few times.
Your head hurt from crying so much, and you winced in annoyance.

After a moment you remembered why you'd been crying and sat up quickly, looking over to see the bot still there, against the tree.
Relief flooded through you, tears welling in your eyes.

"You're alive!" You exclaimed, mouth hanging open in awe.
His eyes rolled to look at you.
"Ja. It would appear so. "

"I thought you...died.."
"It's a pity, hm?" He huffed, cringing and taking in a deep breath.
You started to stand and he pushed you back down.

"Nein, nein. Stay. "
You didn't know if he meant stay sitting or like...stay with him.
But you weren't complaining.

Crickets chirped in the night air, offering the only noise to break the silence.
You looked up at the bot, biting your lip before deciding to speak.

"Why was that other bot...fighting you? Was he an autobot?"
The mech scoffed, "Lugnut? Nein! He is not an autobot. "
"Do...decepticons fight eachother?"

He chuckled, "Doesn't everyone?"
Not very talkative. Oh well.
" why was he fighting you?"
"He is jealous. I found a lead before him, and he was worried that Megatron might favor him less if I completed the mission before him. "

"Megtron??" Your heart skipped a beat. Wasn't he the so-called evil decepticon ruler?

The bot looked down at you.
"Don't seem so surprised, organisch. But yes, Megatron. Lugnut is obsessed with him. Would do anything to be his favorite. "

You listened with interest, though still confused as to why he would tell you these things.

"Hey I...never got your name..."
"I am called Icy. Intelectual- Intelligence Armed-Artiller-Y Unit. I am one of four units that inhabit one singular space."

That almost sounded...rehearsed.
As if he had said it alot or like army-people or something.
"Oh...well...If it matters, I'm Y/N..."

You went silent for a moment, listening to the jagged repetition of his intakes.
"Do you...hate the autobots?" You asked after a time.

Icy didn't respond, and you nervously wondered if you'd crossed a line.

"We are at war, kleiner mensch," he responded solemnly, eyes distant as he watched the trees.
"But can't you just...get along? I mean...nothing's wrong with you..."

He snorted, looking at you.
"I am a monster. Aren't I? Decepticons are the forces of evil that must be put to justice by the heroic efforts of the autobots. "
The words sounded venomous.

You blinked, taking a deep breath to let the aggression settle.
"I'm...sorry. I know I could never understand..."

He heaved a sigh, his brows angling into an almost saddened expression.
"Human...I have seen your planet. I have...lived on it. Ju are at war as well. "

You stared at the grass and dirt, nervously picking at it.
"I guess you're right..."
You looked up at him again, "But you aren't a monster..."

He scoffed. "How vould ju know?"

You struggled to your feet, stepping closer and cautiously reaching out.
"Can I...?" You whispered.

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