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None of the events in this story are real. It is fictitious and I in no way am willing it to happen to those mentioned in this story.


It had been a whole week since you had last seen Icy.
Since you had sort of made a friend and then lost them again.
It was unfair. You didn't deserve this at all.

You were depressed for days.
When you finally managed to get up and move around, you decided to go for a walk.

You got dressed and left as quickly as possible, grunting in distaste as the bright, mid-August sun beamed down on you the second you stepped outside.

You honestly had no idea where your destination was as you began walking.
Somehow you ended up on the trail, and soon enough you were in the woods.

You headed up to the area you'd last seen Icy, heart heavy as your mind reinacted the whole situation over and over.
Maybe you shouldn't have commed Megatron.

Maybe Icy would still be here.
And you could have cared for him... Then he'd be in danger. Wounded and unarmed. And probably dead.

You hated to feel so selfish. couldn't help but wish Icy was here.
You found the spot he'd been laying in and layed down in the center of it, sighing and closing your eyes.

You slipped off into a light sleep, beginning to dream.

Gunshots were the first thing you heard.
Loud shouting in what sounded like a German accent. Commands.
Rapid gunfire and an explosion.
You had no idea where you were. Or who you were. But you were witnessing a raging bot battle.

Icy was there.
He was fighting an autobot; a small, red and blue autobot with an axe. Optimus, you assumed.
Icy towered over this little bot, and you were wondering if he would just stomp on him.

Suddenly Icy looked over.
At you.
And he stopped fighting.
"Y/N!" He barked, "Look out!"
You felt chills go up your spine as you heard a loud bellow and a canon charging up behind you.

Right before you turned around you heard a loud screech and you ducked, looking towards Icy but he wasn't there.

Y/N, look out!

You gasped, eyes opening quickly.
You sat up and looked around, blinking and trying to see properly.

It was late. The sun was straining to keep the treeline lit as night began to spread over the sky.
You rubbed your eyes and peered around again, heart pounding.

What woke you?

You knew you had a weird dream, and Icy's voice sounded so real.
But you knew, deep down, it wasn't just the dream that woke you.
You sat still, listening for any odd noises or signs of danger.

Hearing none, you started to stand up.
And then it finally happened.
A loud roar, followed by a ground-vibrating pulse.

It sounded far off.

Your heart skipped a beat.
Maybe it was Icy???
You strained to listen for it again, eyes wide and peering into the darkening treeline.

You could only hear the loud crickets chirping until, all at once, they stopped.
The vibrations in the ground got stronger, and you felt it was time to go.

As hopeful as you were to see Icy, this felt dangerous.
And you were honestly pretty scared.
You scrambled up and began retreating through the clearing, glancing behind you every few seconds.

The ground began to shake, non stop and alot stronger than it had previously.
You gasped, picking up your pace as you felt panic rising to your chest and then plummeting into your stomach.

Not a minute later, the trees behind you bent and cracked and then Lugnut burst out into the clearing.
His optic was locked onto you and he began to charge at you.

"Where is he?!" the bot roared, and you cried out in panic, running faster.
An explosion struck right in front of you, heat slamming you in the face as you yelled and fell down.

You rolled and sat up, dragging yourself back as the gigantic mech stomped towards you angrilly.
"WHERE IS HE?!" he bellowed again, landing on all four limbs as he stopped inches from your face.

You were shaking, tears rolling down your face as you fought to breathe.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about," you whispered, wide eyes still locked on Lugnut.

He growled, straightening up and raising a fist. You rolled and scrambled to your feet, though your legs were shaking too much for you to run.

You collapsed again, dragging yourself over to a tree and cowering against it.
Lugnut turned towards you, optic blazing. "You know of whom I speak, human! Tell me where he is!"

Did he mean Icy?

You cringed as he lowered his face to your level, optic gazing into your soul.
"I-I don't KNOW!" you whimpered, shielding your face with your arm.

"Tell me where the triple changer is!!"

Your heart sank further.
That was Icy, right?

"He-he's gone! He got taken away on a ship!" You cried, shrinking down further against the tree as the bark scraped your back.
Lugnut growled loudly, leaning so close you feel the hot gusts of his breath singe the hairs of your legs.

"Whose ship?"

Jesus fuck his voice was terrifying!
You'd never been so close to pissing yourself since you were six!
"M-Megatron's ship," you whispered, shrinking down again as you awaited his angered response.

"Megatron's?! How did he get THERE?!"

Should you tell him the truth?
"I-I don't know! I just saw him being taken away!"

"You were THERE?!"
You winced as his voice shook the ground. You didn't know what to do or what to say and you were sure he was going to kill you.

Lugnut reared back, preparing to strike.
"NO!" you cried, sheilding your face and falling down flat.
You curled in on yourself as your thoughts raced.

Well, this was the end.

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