Left For Dead

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None of the events in this story are real. It is fictitious and I in no way am willing it to happen to those mentioned in this story.


You fell back on the table as the bot before you swung angrilly.
You couldn't understand what was going on.
The massive mech continued shouting angrily, and Megatron came around the corner, optics wide.

"What happened?" He hissed, ducking under the mech's arms and stabbing a needle into his neck.
The mech flopped against the table, and you looked from him to Megatron, blinking back tears.
"I-I don't know I didn't do anything he just started flailing around and yelling!"

You hugged yourself as you watched, almost beside yourself in upset.
Megatron picked you up and headed back to the bridge.
"Well, it would seem that Blitzwing doesn't remember you. And so, your usefulness here is no more. "

"What??" You cried, mouth hanging open. "You can't-you can't just discard me like that! "
"I can do whatever I want. Now... you'll think twice about speaking to me that way. I've been so...kind to you and I COULD just throw you into space..."

You swallowed hard, looking down and tightly crossing your arms over your chest.
"I'm sorry..." You whispered.
Megatron chuckled, "Now, then. Shockwave, will you see this fleshling to a P.O.D.?"

Shockwave, the one eyed mech, approached, bowing his head.
"Yes of course, My Leige," he purred before picking you up in his claws and carrying you away.

You didn't even look to see where you were being taken.
You barely registered being dumped in a small escape pod.
Shockwave squinted at you disapprovingly. "You've made my Master very unsatisfied. You'd better be glad I'm as loyal to his command as I am...For I would just throw you to the atmosphere..."

You didn't feel anything at all when he said this, you just stared ahead and hugged yourself tighter.
The top closed and a few moments later you were hurtling through space.

You didn't care that you weren't buckled in.
You didn't care if the P.O.D. crashed.
You didn't care if you lived.

You'd never see him again and that was worse than dying.
You didn't know why you were so attached but you were. And this was the last straw.
He didn't remember you.
It didn't matter anymore.

It got very difficult to breathe, and your vision started to darken.

The pod breached the atmosphere and rocketed towards the Earth.
You were no longer conscious, and you didn't feel the P.O.D. crash to the ground.


You heard a beeping sound.
It was monotonous, and it just kept going.
You slowly opened your eyes, blinking as a red light flashed in your face.

The pod!
You couldn't breathe, and you covered your mouth as you kicked the glass panel on the door.
Your lungs began to ache, and you kicked harder.

Finally the glass gave and broke, giving you enough space to slip out.
You fell to the ground, gasping and coughing.
You dragged yourself for a few feet before slumping on the grass, rolling over and looking at the stars.

The realization of what had happened hit you then.
And you blinked back tears.
Please be okay, you silently begged Icy.


Megatron stood over Icy, who was still unconscious.
As the Decepticon tyrant mused, Shockwave entered and stood by the door.

"It is done, my Liege.."

Megatron grinned, "Goooood, gooood...did you make sure to 'fix' it?"
Shockwave nodded, "The oxygen supply had...a malfunction..."

Megatron chuckled, his grin growing wider.
"A tradegy, really...he just saw too much..."
Shockwave bowed. "Should I leave you, my Leige?"

"Yes," Megatron purred, "Blitzwing and I have a little...work to do..."


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