We Hear You

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None of the events in this story are real. It is fictitious and I in no way am willing it to happen to those mentioned in this story.


You struggled to your feet, looking around to see if you could recognize your surroundings.
You were in the clearing.
The clearing.

You slowly began to walk, legs trembling.
It took you almost two hours to reach the sidewalk, and when you did you fell down again.

You took out your phone and called one of your friends, telling them to pick you up.
Your words were slurred and your friend was really concerned.

You told her that you were on the sidewalk on the end of the trail to the woods and then passed out.


You woke on a bed, groaning from a splitting headache.
You looked around the room and saw your friend, sitting in a computer chair and looking at you worriedly.

"Y/N!!!" She exclaimed, jumping up and hurrying over.
"You're awake!! I was so worried!!!"
You groaned, sheilding your eyes as sunlight filtered through the window.

"Ughh...am I at your house?" You groaned, attempting to sit up.
"Yeah, but don't move, you got busted up pretty bad! What happened??"

You groaned, flopping back and holding your head in one hand.
"Ibuprofen," you muttered, making grabby movements with your free hand.
"Oh! Right!" Your friend scurried out of the room.

You looked around her pink and white room, the colors attacking your throbbing eyes as you squinted.
Your friend returned, with some meds and a glass of water.

You took the medication and laid back, waiting for it to kick in.
Your friend sat and watched you closely, still looking worried.
"So...what happened? Do your parents know you're not home? Did you run away?"

You thought as best you could with the splitting headache, looking at your friend.
As much as you'd prefer lying, for safety, you were in too much pain to come up with a fabricated story with details and the whole shebang.

"I know I'm gonna sound crazy," you muttered, rubbing your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose, "but I need you to trust me. And believe me..."


Muffled voices could be heard through the fog of unconsciousness. No full sentence was distinguished, but the occasional slew of words made sense.

And it was then that the pieces fell into place.
The human was dead.
His human.

Rage and hurt clouded his judgement, and he tried so hard to wake up. But he couldn't.
Darkness continued to shroud his senses, clouding his thoughts.

He could hear Megatron talking to them. To him.
"You are a fool to think you can hide him forever," Megatron hissed, digging his claws into metal.

He could hear his brother scream from somewhere within his mind, cringing.
"You will bring him to the surface...or I will slowly peel each one of you out and reach into your CARCASS and rip him out!"

I wish you would try!!!
That was HotHead. Heated Operational Tank-Heavy Explosive Artillery Destruction unit.

Ve should rip out his throat!!!
That was Random.
Radical Armed Nuclear Detonated Optical Military-unit.

Nein, Brüder...wir werden warten...

But ve can't let him take our brother away!

He's not going to, Random...


bleib stehen, Soldat...

He absorbed his brothers' rage and fear, his own chest aching.
He would do anything to protect his brother.

But the human...the human had touched Blitzwing's spark.
And thus, they all were determined to protect the little organic.

But the news...

Do not listen to Megatron! Ze human lives...it must! He could be lying to trick us!

Ja, Random. Zat iss true.


Shhhhh...soon Hothead, soon...

"You cannot ignore me forever, you mutant split personality failure," Megtron spat, eyes blazing red.
"You will give him to me! Or you all will suffer..."


Your friend stared at you in awe as you finished explaining.
Your headache was mostly gone and you felt a bit better.

"You...were in a Decepticon ship??"
"Yeah...but, something didn't feel right. The way they had Icy captive...it...something wasn't right. But I can't help him anymore..."

Your friend sat forward, taking your hand.
"Can't you?"
You shook your head, looking down as tears filled your eyes. "No, I can't, he's gone and I..."

"Can't you?" She repeated, causing you to look up.
"No, I can't," you repeated.
She grinned, raising her eyebrows. "Yes you can...I know who can help us."

"What?? Who?"

She put a finger to her lips.
"Not yet. Let me tell you over sushi and boba tea."

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