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None of the events in this story are real. It is fictitious and I in no way am willing it to happen to those mentioned in this story.


The sound of a loud transformation rattled your ears.
"Lugnut!" a deep and commanding voice demanded.

You dared to look up, seeing Megatron standing not far behind the raging decepticon in front of you.
"Stand down, Lugnut! Or be terminated!"

Lugnut turned quickly.
"O' great leader! I was only trying to get the coordinates of our commerade from this pathetic fleshling!"
"That is not your jurisdiction, Lugnut," Megatron hissed, walking closer.

Lugnut fell to his knees, causing the ground to tremble.
"Forgive me, Master!"
Megatron's eyebrow raised.
"Lugnut...I am surprised that you are so concerned for my lieutenant Blitzwing when you have been attempting to assassinate him. "

"What?? I would never!"

Megatron cracked a grin.
"Really? And if what you say is true, that little fleshling is a liar..."
Your heart sank.
You stared at the two in horror as they both turned to look at you.

"What?? No! I wouldn't lie to you!"

Megatron slowly stepped closer, still grinning.
"Well, you see...Lugnut here has been my loyal servant for years and you are just a small insignificance...whom do you think I should believe?"

You couldn't answer.
The knot in your throat was preventing you from speaking.

"Eeeeexactly..." Megatron purred, placing a hand on his hip and leaning to one side.
Lugnut seemed to grin at you, narrowing his optic.
"May I crush this puny fleshling for spreading such lies and slander unto you, my Leige?"

Megatron chuckled, "Why, yes of course Lugnut..."
Lugnut lumbered towards you, optic blazing.
You scrambled to move away but couldn't so you dug your heels into the dirt and shielded your face.

"No, please!" You sobbed, preparing for impact.

"Unless," Megatron drawled, halting Lugnut's movements, "the fleshling is telling the truth..."
"What? That is impossible! Humans are liars!"

Megatron smiled, nodding.
"Ah, yes, Lugnut. That they are. But...suppose I just...oh, dial up Blitzwing and ask him? And if you are right, that little fleshy is all yours. "

Megatron began dialing on a little pad he pulled from somewhere in his armour.
Lugnut seemed to panic.
"No, wait!"

"Oh? But Lugnut, you do want to please me don't you? Humor me then..."
The com started ringing, and Lugnut reached out and smacked it away, causing it to shatter.

Megatron seemed to feign shock.
"My goodness, Lugnut...You really do want me to take your word for it alone, don't you?"

You scrambled to your feet, legs still shaking as you backed into the trees.
You watched them as you went, trying not to make any noise.

"N-no, my Leige, I was merely-" "Well I WOULD have taken your word on it, Lugnut. I truly would...if I hadn't already spoken to Blitzwing before my arrival and searched his memory projector. "


"You've lied to me, Lugnut...and so you must pay the price..."

You saw Lugnut wheel around and start running directly towards the trees. Directly towards you.
"Starscream!!! Get him!" You heard Megatron yell, and the air around you swept up as a flash of color shot past you.

You blinked in shock, not able to understand what had just happened.
A tall, sleek form transformed and slammed into Lugnut, knocking him down.

As you watched, wide eyed and in shock, more thin forms appeared from the trees, surrounding the massive mech and knocking him down, securing some form of cuffs on him.

"Master you cannot do this! I am your loyal servant!!!"

"Oh mute it already,'' Megatron groaned, and one of the thin little bots clamped a mouthpiece over Lugnut's face.

Your body was pumping with adrenaline but the shock kept you frozen in place, watching from the trees.

"Starscream, have one of yours collect the human for me..." Megatron purred, and you saw what you assumed was Starscream turn to one of the other slim bots.

He barked a command in some foreign language and the bot vanished into the trees.
Your heart pounded loudly as you looked around you in the dark, seeing nothing.

A moment later something wrapped around your waist firmly but gently, and you gasped, looking up to see one of the bots.
It was silver but had orange on it, and it slipped effortlessly through the trees.

It came to the clearing, presenting you to Megatron.
"Ahh there you are little fleshling...we meet again at last."

Your heart was pounding out of your throat as Megatron eyed you, fear coursing through you.
Was he going to kill you? Punish you? Let these new and odd bots eat you?

You blinked back tears of panic.
Megatron grinned, "Do not fear, little human...I don't intend to harm you..."
"Th-then what do you want with me?" You whimpered, lip quivering.

"We shall see."
Megatron reached out and the bot released you into his hand.
You braced yourself, awaiting some form of cruel torment.
It never came.

Megatron chuckled as he looked down at you.
"Well then..." he drawled, lifting you closer and beginning to transform.

You cried out as his metal shifted around you and a moment later you were in his cockpit.
You looked around, heart pounding.
The glass was a deep red, making it hard to see out into the darkness.

You heard rocket thrusters powering up, and then he blasted off into the air, forcing you against your seat.
You scrambled to lock the seatbelt, chest tightening as the air in the cockpit changed density.

" seems you may be useful to me afterall..."

Für Immer Meins ((BlitzwingxFTM!Reader))Where stories live. Discover now