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None of the events in this story are real. It is fictitious and I in no way am willing it to happen to those mentioned in this story.


"The autobots?? They'll kill him!" You hissed, staring at your friend like she was nuts.
She shook her head.
"No they won't. Have you seen the news? They want peace. And it's our only hope. "

"So what, we travel to Detroit???"
"Yep. "
"How?? I'm broke!"
"And I have 30 thirsty guys in my inbox wanting pictures of my feet."
You raised your eyebrows. "Seriously?"

"Yeah. Duh. I gotta pay my bills somehow. All you have to do is make up some story to your parents about a trip or some shit. You know what they wanna hear."

"And if they say no anyway?"
Your friend looked at you, raising an eyebrow. "When has that stopped you?"
You grinned a little. "I guess you're right. So when do we start?"

"When I drop you off at your parent's house. You pack, make your exscuses.
I'll find out the next flight that goes to Detroit, get the money together, and we'll be set. "

She stood, grabbing her purse.
"Now let's go!"
"You're crazy, you know that??" You said as you hurried after her.
She smiled. "I know."


4 days passed and then the day came.
You were so not ready to make your exscuses.
You headed downstairs, backpack on and nervous as hell.

"And where are you going?" Your mother demanded, blocking the door.
"With a friend...there's a job conference and I'm going to..." your mind raced, "go make something of myself. "

Your mother scoffed.
"Dressed like that? Oh, no. If you're gonna get a job, you're gonna dress like a lady and I am taking you. You are not going to a job conference! There are plenty of jobs around here that are just fine for you. I can take you to get applications tomorrow. "

Anxiety started to bubble up into your chest. It was getting late, and you didn't have much time to get to the airport.
Your friend was waiting at the end of the block for you in her car.

"I'm an adult now I can make my own decisions!"
Your mother folded her arms. "I won't tolerate disrespectful attitudes like that! (Deadname), you go into the kitchen and sit down NOW!"

Desperation kicked in and you forced yourself to be tough.
You grabbed her shoulders and shoved her aside.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" She screamed angrilly.

You yanked open the door, turning to her.
"Living my FUCKING life!!!" you shouted before running out and down to the street, frantically waving to your friend.

She blazed down the street to you and screeched to a halt.
You yanked open the passenger door and got in, slamming it.
"Go! GO!!!"
She sped down the street, turning the corner and taking off for the airport.

You slowly fell into a panic attack, shaking and gasping.
"What happened??" Your friend asked, glancing at you with concern.
"I- I yelled at her. She wouldn't move and I yelled at her. Oh godohgodohgod... If I go back there I'll never get out again.. What if she sends cops after us? What if she stops us???"

"Easy, Y/N," your friend said, reaching to pat your leg.
"You're an adult. They can't call the cops on you. And as for going back...if we do this right, you won't have to. "

You continued to panic all the way to the airport, and that fear sat with you all the way until the plane took off.

You looked out the window, trying to breathe deeply.
This was actually happening.


"My Leige!!!" Shockwave hurried into the medical unit, where Megatron was glaring at the unmoving form of Icy.
"What?" Megatron hissed, looking at his Communications Officer.

"I regret to inform you that...the human lives..."
Megatron turned to face him, growling. "What?"
"I apologize, my Liege...but the organic somehow survived the lack of oxygen and the crash."

"How do you KNOW this??"
"A call made from it's cellular device! The voice was the same..."
Megatron looked ready to behead Shockwave, but he didn't.

"How dare...Hmm..."
Megatron thought a moment.
"Actually...I won't punish you for your insolence, Shockwave. This turn of events may prove to be...most helpful indeed..."


Der Mensch lebt!
Der Mensch lebt!

Icy roused from his slumber.
He still refused to power up the body, but mentally he was still active.
It was the only way to protect his information and also keep from starving to death.

What, Random?

Ze human!! It lives!!!


Ja!! Ze spy said so! Megatron vas not happy. I don't think it's a trick!


Shh, Hothead. Ve have to take zat chance...for Blitzwing...
I will wait until Megatron leaves...
And zen, you know what to do.


You awoke to the intercom speaking loudly.
You had arrived at your destination. 
You rubbed your eyes, looking over at your friend. She was asleep.

You shook her.
She grumbled and swatted your hand.
"We're here!" you whisper-shouted, adrenaline pumping though you.

She finally realized.
She opened her eyes and looked at you. "We made it..." She breathed.
You both stood and gathered your bags, letting the aisle clear a bit before stepping into it and heading out of the plane.

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