The Ship

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None of the events in this story are real. It is fictitious and I in no way am willing it to happen to those mentioned in this story.


Your heart thundered in your chest as you thought about your current predicament.
Was he going to kill you? Torture you? Eat you?
Was he going to keep you? If so, how were you going to eat? Sleep?

These thoughts wracked your brain until you were shaken from them by the sound of radio static.
You looked out the glass and gasped, seeing a massive ship in front of you.

The realization that you were in space finally hit and you began to panic.
"Intercepting vessel," Megatron said through his radio, and you saw a massive door on the ship slowly roll open.

"W-wait, there's no oxygen in there, we're in space! I'm gonna suffocate I can't br-"
"-Hush, hush, little organic. I'm well aware of how your kind survive and our ship has an oxygen filter. You really must take me for a fool, don't you?"

You sat back in the seat, stumbling over your words.
"N-no, Sir, I don't, I-I'm sorry..."
Your face heated up immediately.
You had no idea why you had just called him sir or apologized, but it felt...good in a way.

Megatron moved inside the ship and then began to transform, causing you to brace yourself and cover your face.
He held you in his hand when he had transformed fully, and you looked around the ship with awe.

"Take our new prisoner to the stockade," Megatron grumbled, and your heart began to pound.
You crouched down as low as possible, expecting to be seized by someone's sharp unrelenting fingers.

From behind you, you heard a foreign sentence spoken, and then heard Lugnut's growls through the facelock they had put on him.
You peeked over your shoulder and saw a few large bots dragging Lugnut away.

Megatron chuckled down at you and began walking.
He passed through a few corridors and rooms before reaching what you assumed was the bridge.

A tall, thin, one-eyed bot with two antler-like antennas approached, bowing gracefully.
"My Leige! I am relieved to see you are well," he said in a surprisingly smooth accented voice.

Megtron waved him off, seating himself in his throne.
"Oh, do spare me, Shockwave...I am Megatron, I always return unscathed. "
'Shockwave' nodded, stepping back. "Of course, my apologies..."

"Has there been any autobot activity in my abscense?" Megatron purred, and a massive bot bigger than Lugnut lumbered over.
"No," it said it an oddly feminine voice, "they have dropped from our radar...what is that?"

She looked down at you, and you shrunk into Megatron's hand.
Megatron chuckled, "This? Oh, it's just my new little plaything. A piece of the puzzle, if you will."

The bot's eyes narrowed at you before she straightened up and walked away.
You gazed around the ship, still barely able to comprehend what was happening.

Your mind began to wander to your house. Back on earth.
Was your family worried? Would they even care?
Not that you cared how they felt, to be honest.

And then you remembered him.
You looked up at Megatron, who was busy typing something on a datapad.
"S-sir?" You mumbled, half hoping he wouldn't hear you.

Your bravery from earlier was gone and you were a bit scared of these gigantic decepticons.
Your hope was diminished however, as Megatron tilted his head to look down at you.

"Yeeeees?" He drawled, raising an eyebrow.
You were taken aback for a moment before stammering out words. "O-oh, um...can I...may I...see...Icy?"

The silence that followed made your heart skip a beat.
Megatron rubbed his chin dramatically, tilting his head and drumming his fingers on his throne.

"I suppose it wouldn't be an've asked nicely enough..."
Your lip quivered with relief, and you felt your hands shaking.
"Th-thank you, sir, I...."

Megatron chuckled, "Oh just look at polite for your kind. "
He stood, reaching out his hand.
You slowly stepped into it, grasping his fingers for leverage.

He grinned down at you eerily, and you swallowed hard.
Why was he looking at you like that?
After a moment he looked away, heading down to a hallway, where he tapped on a panel set in the wall.

Doors slid open and he stepped in, letting them close.
It looked like some sort of elevator, with rows of buttons on the wall panel.

You looked around the massive space in awe, looking at the wires that lined the ceiling and watching them light up every so often.

"You're rather curious, aren't you?" Megatron purred, breaking the silence and causing you to jump a bit.
He chuckled, garnet optics narrowing a bit as they moved over your face.

Your face heated up and you looked away, blinking.
"I..guess so, huh?" You mumbled.
The elevator stopped, and the doors slid open.

Megatron stepped out and walked down a dark corridor, stopping outside a large room with a thick glass window.
He typed in a code and the door opened, revealing a dimly lit area that looked like a lab or a hospital of some sort.

You squinted at the shadowy forms of medical tables and metal slabs, wondering where Icy was.
Megatron walked through the room and turned into a small area behind the main wall, revealing a familiar form laid out on a slab.

Your heart froze as you watched in panic.
Is he dead?
You looked up at Megtron, eyes wide. "Is-is he??"

Megatron chuckled, "No no, he is merely recharging...I will leave you to him...but I will be nearby. Watch what you do and what you say, organic," he hissed, causing a chill to run down your spine.

He set you on the table and moved away, brushing through the pale curtain-like cloths hanging from the ceiling and disappearing around the corner.

You moved up to Icy's face, reaching out and touching him.
"Icy..." You murmured, "it's me...wake up?"
There was no response.
You climbed up to his chest, looking at the wound that was now welded shut.

You knelt and placed your ear against his chest, hearing his spark for the first time.
Your chest tightened with emotion as you heard the odd but unique thrumming sound.

You heard a slight scrape on the table, and looked up just in time to see blazing red optics staring at you. You gasped, sitting back and freezing as you stared at a new, horrifying face.

It was inky black, with rows of sharp teeth and a smile like a jack o' lantern. The face blinked at you before cracking and transforming into the bright red, flaming face you'd seen the night they crashed into your city.

"Ikz'ure KABRAUGHHH!" he growled before attempting to sit up and swipe you off onto the floor.
You looked at his lower chest and abdomen and noticed restraints, your chest tightening even more.

Why was he held down?

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