On The Warpath

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None of the events in this story are real. It is fictitious and I in no way am willing it to happen to those mentioned in this story.


You watched as Random's eyes slowly flickered open.
You pushed past the autobots and ran to him, falling to your already scraped knees again.

"You're alive!" You cried, reaching out and touching his face.
His body and face began to transform and you scurried backwards a little as you watched.

Icy looked down at you, relief flooding his eyes.
"Organisch," he murmured, lifting you against his chest.
You cried against him, chest tight.
"I thought I'd never see you again!" You sobbed, looking up at him.

He frowned, brows furrowing.
"I know...I am so sorry I vasn't around sooner..."
"Will someone please tell us what on EARTH is going on?" Ratchet demanded, arms folded.

Icy slowly sat up, leaning against a wall of the parking garage.
"Megatron is after us because of our brother...Blitzwing.
Blitzwing was the original mech, until a scientist put very important plans and codes into his head and built the three of us to protect him.

Blitzwing sealed himself away within his mind, leaving us to use his body.
I don't think anyone knows what those plans and codes are, but Megatron thinks zey are the key to world domination.

He played us for years, keeping us in the dark until he sent us to Earth on a mission, and Lugnut tried to kill us. "

You listened in horror, reaching to touch his face.
"And he is after you as well, organisch..."
You blinked. "Me? Why?"

Icy sighed, "We have chosen you. Blitzwing has chosen you. When a bot choses someone, they connect to them. And give them a download of ALL of their information.
And, once bonded, killing one is the only way to kill or hurt the other.
Megatron knows that. And thus, wants you, too. "
"W-wait, chosen?"
Icy nodded. "He has chosen you as..." He stopped, looking at all the autobots staring at him.

"As?" Prowl prodded.
"As his conjux endurae..."
A gasp rippled over the autobots, and you just stared at him confused. "A...a what?" "It means he has chosen you as his lifelong companion," Prowl said, taking a few steps closer.

You looked from him to Icy, eyes widening. "Like a...a mate?"
Icy nodded, looking away as if guilty. "It happened when you were with us in ze medbay..."

You blinked a few times as you remembered that time. That feeling you had. That connection.
"That was..." "Ja. Und...ju chose us, too. " "Wait, what?"
"You responded to his request, basically...your energy, your mind...your inner frequency matched. You accepted it. "
You were in a bit of shock now, stomach doing a flip.You knew this was all wrong. Everyone knew that there was no logic in this; no human could EVER fall in  love with a decepticon...a TRANSFORMER no less.  Everything rational was telling you to avoid this at all costs but you couldn't lie to yourself any longer. You had fallen in love with the enemy. And yet, he truly wasn't the enemy after all...

Icy set you down, grunting as he shifted.
He looked at the autobots.
"Ve don't vant trouble...I know ve have caused you much pain...but please, try to forgive us...ve truly never meant ju any harm..."

Optimus furrowed his brows, sighing. "The past is the past. Whatever qualms we have can ve settled later. But for now, we have to focus on Megatron. Is he coming? And when?"

Icy nodded, "Ja. He is. We set him off course but he's surely caught up by now...he will stop at nothing to force Blitzwing to the surface and destroy jour home..."
You remembered your family.

As cruel as they were, you were still concerned.
"If he's here already, and looking for Y/N, where does that put us?" Your friend asked. 

"In alot of danger," Optimus said, gritting his teeth.
"How long until he finds us?" Bee asked, looking around quickly.
"Uhhh guys?" Your friend asked, and everyone glanced at her.

She stood peering out of the garage, up at the sky.
"...I think they already have!"
"What??" Everyone rushed over to look.
You looked out and saw the familiar shapes of Lugnut and Megatron in their plane modes.
You swallowed at they flew overhead, heart beginning to pound. "Oh shit...

"We have to get you three out of here now!" Optimus said, looking at your friend, you, and Icy.
"Bee can take the humans," Ratchet said, and Bee turned.
"No WAY! I can fight Megatron!"

"Now isn't the time for heroics, Bumblebee," Optimus said, "you're our fastest autobot. You can get them to safety while we hold Megatron off. "
Bee grumbled but transformed, and your friend got in.

You looked at Icy.
"Please be okay..." You whispered, reaching out your hand.
He reached down, placing his palm against yours.
"Y/N, let's GO!"

You turned to Bee, climbing in and closing the door.
Optimus looked at you all. "Be safe," he said firmly, before pulling an axe off his back and preparing himself.

As Bee sped away, you remembered the dream you'd had weeks before. Of Icy fighting a small red and blue bot with an axe...

Y/N! Behind you!

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