Courses Set

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None of the events in this story are real. It is fictitious and I in no way am willing it to happen to those mentioned in this story.


Random peered at the house from the back yard, claws clicking on the wood of the shed he was perched beside.

Zis is the one.

Their house? (Icy)


VHY DON'T VE JUST GO GET ZEM? can't risk blowing our cover...

Random slunk closer, peering into the windows.
He circled the house.
Sniffed it.
Peeked into the second story window.

Zis isn't right.

Vat isn't, Random?

Ze organic isn't here...

Random caught scent and walked down the sidewalk, attempting to be quiet.

I have ze scent! I might be able to track it from ze sky!

They transformed and flew up into the air, following Random's lead.


"I have to come with you!" You exclaimed as the autobots prepared to head out.
"It isn't safe," Optimus replied gently, brows furrowing.

"You don't understand, I have to save Icy!"
"That triple changer is bad news, kid!" Ratchet grumbled.
You shook your head. "No he isn't. You didn't SEE him the way I did. Please, he's in trouble!"

"Well if you ask me, the decepticons pickin eachother off makes our job is a whooole lot easier!" Bee chuckled, folding his arms behind his head and crossing his legs.

Prowl whacked him on the head.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"Look," Optimus said, kneeling down and meeting your eyes. "I know you're concerned for him. But there isn't much we can do and there's no telling what Megatron has planned. "

Your lip trembled and you started heating up.
"Listen, Optimus Prime," you hissed, taking a step forward and jabbing a finger at his face.

"I have suffered my whole life being told I wasn't good enough.
Being called names and having my identity ignored and laughed at. I have been in pain and all alone since I turned 12 and after months of debating whether I wanted to live or not, a fucking MASSIVE DECEPTICON crashes into my city.

Now I don't pretend to know as much about them as you do, but I did not nearly DIE five times, nearly get crushed, nearly get eaten, get kidnapped, hurled out into space, stand up to my mother which seals my fate of ever going BACK to my OWN HOUSE, fly all the way to Detroit fucking Michigan and spend HOURS in the blazing heat just to find YOU guys, to be told that I'M not allowed to GO BACK to my city to help rescue an injured bot and beat Megatron's ass!

You may be the authority around here for YOUR team, but you aren't the authority of ME.
And if WE hadn't risked everything just to come here and tell you about Megatron, you would be none the wiser!
So you can either take us with you or I will hitch a plane back to MY HOME and take on these fucking decepticons all by myself."

You panted, trembling with adrenaline.
Every bot was absolutely silent, staring wide eyed at you.
Your friend stepped up beside you. "He means it, too," she said, folding her arms.

Optimus blinked in surprise and then shook his head, clearing his throat.
"Uh...uhm, right. Yeah...we'll take you."
"Good," you hissed, still trembling.
"You'll ride with Ratchet," Optimus said, but quickly stammered over his own words. "That is...if you want to..."

Your friend nodded, leading you t0 the ambulance.
"I haven't heard someone talk to Optimus like that since the academy," Ratchet muttered as you both climbed in.


"We are on course, Lord Megatron," Strika said, tapping on a panel.
"Finally," Megatron hissed, drumming his fingers on the arm of his seat, "how long until we get there?"

"Five hours, sir."

Megatron narrowed his optics, growling.
"Make it four."
Strika typed some coding into the panel and the ship sped up, hurtling through the stars.


Random crouched behind a plane, peering at the tarmac.

Zey took a plane...


I don't know...

Where would they go?


Vhat? Vhy?


Hmm. Ju may be right, Hothead...

Random looked off into the sky.
Do we go to zem?


Ja, bolthead! Ze autobots.


Hothead, bruder, zat iss Blitzving's human. Our human. And dealing vit ze autobots is still safer zen dealing vith Megatron, no?


I'll get us zere~!

Random slithered into the shadows and began sprinting down the tarmac.

Für Immer Meins ((BlitzwingxFTM!Reader))Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang