Megatron Ponders

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None of the events in this story are real. It is fictitious and I in no way am willing it to happen to those mentioned in this story.


Megatron sat in his throne, rubbing his chin as he thought.
His crimson optics flickered ever so slightly as he let his processor languidly mull over the information harboured within.

The little human kept popping up, and he kept dismissing it until he could no longer.
When did it show up? Why was it here? What did it care about his lieutenant?

So many questions.
But did he really care to ask?
He honestly wasn't going to contact the human ever again. It wasn't important to him in the slightest.

Some emotional sack of flesh and bones leaking fluids all over his injured lieutenant was NOT more important than his plans of world domination... why did it keep popping up in his mind?

His lip curled in disgust as he pondered this.
Why did this small minor insignificance bother him so dreadfully? It was irritating. Irrational. Inconveniencing.


The little fleshy was useless.
And yet, somehow important.
Chevrons furrowed as the Decepticon Leader began changing his thought process.

How could he use this little human to further his cause?
It didn't seem to be bothered by decepticons.
Perhaps that would help.
But even still, one small unimportant fleshling blindly on their side wouldn't do much in his favor.

Or would it?

He began threading together strategies, folding his hands and tapping his digits on his chin.
Hmm. This was most difficult.

Most difficult indeed.

Für Immer Meins ((BlitzwingxFTM!Reader))Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon