Coming out

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Desc- the title's kinda self explanatory tbh haha (ik it's long but i like it)

Dan's POV-

I sit down nervously in front of my camera. Today is finally the day I'm going to tell the world that I'm gay. And it doesn't just stop there. I'm going to tell the world Phil and I are in a relationship. I mean, I've literally told the internet everything, my relationships, my existential crisis problem, even my depression. It's not even like Phil and I've been in a relationship for long anyway. I told him my feelings on his birthday in 2017. It's been two years now, so I guess it's time. I know most of our fans ships phan and are homos themselves, and they're pretty much all lovely people... I'm just scared. Scared of judgement, scared of homophobic comments... the only thing I'm not scared of is telling the people how I feel about Phil. I've never been scared of that. 

I sigh before starting the video. This is the first video I've uploaded in almost a year. After many mistakes, I finally know what I'm going to say.

"Hello, Internet! Sooo... it's been a while... sorry about that" I apologise awkwardly. 

"Now, today I wanted to talk about happiness... again, ironically because I lack that" I mumble the last part. 

"So, the word 'happiness' has a lot of synonyms, content, cheerful, merry... but the one I wanted to focus on is gay... yeah. In this weird world of memes and a hot beverage being turned into a word for gossip, you'd think sexuality and such would be a bit less of a problem, maybe that's what it seems like to strait people... not that I would know though!" I wink at the camera. 

"Ok, before you guys freak out, yes, I am saying I'm gay. I guess you guys knew before I did, huh?" I plan to insert videos fans have made of me clearly being gay. 

"And I know I denied it in 2012, but that was only because I didn't want to believe it in a way. I just knew it would cause all these problems, and I had a LOT of insecurities back then. But now, I've gotten past that and I finally feel like I can accept that I'm gay now. And now I know it's not a problem, I'm happy to be gay. And so what if I like men? I mean, who should care if I'm dating a guy instead of a girl? All that matters is that my boyfriend treats me right" I ramble. 

"And who is my boyfriend, I hear you ask?" I question, planning to make an extra scene of me typing 'Phil' repetitively. I look over at Phil, standing there in all his glory. I then look back at the camera. 

"People, don't freak out too hard, ok?" I warn them, before beckoning Phil over.

"I can hear the screams now!" he jokes. I giggle. 

"Yes. Phan is real!" I scream, drilling it into people's heads. 

"Alright, look, we'll upload a video of us and our feelings on Phil's channel, right now I think I'll just keep you waiting!" I tease. Phil chuckles. 

"Jeez, the pressure to upload is gonna be real" Phil mentions. I pat him on the shoulder. 

"It'll be ok, Phil" he smiles at me and I smile back. We then look back at the camera. 

"Awww I bet you all died" I giggle. 

"Well, I think that's a good enough explanation for now, but I feel like we need to prove that it's real and we're not just trolling them" I laugh. He does too. 

"What should we do? Kiss?" he asks. I 'heart-eyes Howell' him and he giggles, before we both lean in and softly press our lips together. We then pull away and he kisses me on the head. I look at him for a while. 

"I'm not sure how to end this" I say. He breaks into laughter. 

"I would go into a waffle-y speech about being proud to be you and all that, but I just feel like you'd throw up all over your screen, so I'll say this: it took me ages to finally get to the stage where I could begin to accept myself, to see past all my insecurities," Phil hugs me from the side. I snuggle into him. "But with the help of you, Phil, I finally got there" I look at him. He blushes and looks away. 

"You need to end this now or I will cry" he points out. I chortle. 

"Ok, bi people haha, get it.... yeah I'll go jump off a bridge, bye!!"

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