Chapter 7

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William was slumped over his workbench, eyes drooping with weariness. He hadn't slept in a week...he was so tired...he just needed to...
William awoke to find himself in a small, cramped office. The walls were a steel grey with metal rivets hastily screwed into the plating. The 'desk', if you could consider it to be one, held a heavy-duty flashlight and a small alarm clock designed for a child. It was blank, the whole of the small device rusted beyond functionality.
The man groaned, chucking the clock across the room. Strangely, he couldn't move from the place he was standing. Admitting defeat, he tested the flashlight, flicking the discreet switch into the on position. It shone with a light that seemed to pierce any darkness.
"Now that's more like it!" Afton exclaimed, forgetting that he was alone in the space. "Finally, a piece of crap that works in this joint!"
Smirking, he cockily flashed the light all over the exitless room, making sure to hit every corner of the office with its beam.
"Come at me you awful brats! I'll take you 17 on one!"
"If you insist, Afton"
William screeched as his flesh began to melt off his bones. Gasping for breath, he screamed once more as a twisted, humanoid face filled his field of vision.
"You always were quite loud. Would it hurt to silence yourself every once in a while?"
"Aw, you hurt my feelings." The figure grinned, splitting its face nearly in half; the only thing holding its face together were a few metal stitches. "You should treat your captor with a tad more respect. Otherwise, I'll let myself have some fun."
William shivered, hugging the flashlight to his chest as if it could protect him. "P-please...STAY AWAY!"
"But we've just began! I'll never go away! Remember this well, Afton. I always come back."
Afton screamed (like a girl) until his throat felt ready to tear itself apart like the monster's face. He continued to scream until he awoke in his basement once more, quivering in a pool of his own sweat.
Sadly for him, the only living part of his family that he had left couldn't be bothered to check up on him.
After all, he had heard too many screams to even consider facing the cause of the torture he endured.

A Brother's Sorrow (adopted from @Eris345) Where stories live. Discover now