Chapter 13

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William shot out of the bed like a cannon, tumbling to the floor tangled in his rainbow blankets. Choking, he grasped his throat and started hacking, but no blood came out, only drool. Finally recognizing where he was, he let out a wail of thankfulness and relaxed, sinking into the blankets. This time, he had to appreciate what life gave him, even if it meant...looking at the thing that reminded him most of his deceased family.
"CHRIS! GO TO THE KITCHEN NOW BEFORE I DRAG YOU OUT OF BED MYSELF!" William hollered, his voice echoing through the mostly empty 4-bedroom house. He was now desperate, desiring nothing but to see that even one of his children were still breathing, their heart beating. It was consuming his every thought, nearly forcing the man into a state of insanity.
Chris stumbled out of his room weary, rubbing his grainy eyes as he trudged to the kitchen. I guess he found out about the food.
Susie followed behind him, full of energy. She zoomed around the boy, happily squealing in a mannerism that only Chris could hear.
William staggered into the dining room, still clutching his throat with one hand as if it would be stabbed again. Yawning, he lifted his arms above his head and stretched, only to be met with the same, crushing sensation of spring locks digging deep into his throat. Gagging, he darted over to the kitchen sink and began retching, but nothing came out. Stuffing two of his fingers down his esophagus, he forced himself to throw up, only to be met with a shocking sight.
A piece of metal had fallen into the sink, clattering against the steel basin. It was covered in blood and mucus and was shaped like...a spring lock.
William's legs gave out beneath him as he fell to the tile floor, landing on his bosom. He was feeling in shock, unable to process a single thought except for one: Was my nightmare real?
Chris walked into the kitchen, his eyes adjusting just in time to see his father figure whimpering while curled up into a ball. He nudged the man with his foot, resulting in a choked sob. "Dad? You alright down there?" He chuckled in his head before opening the door to the fridge and grabbing an apple.
William moaned before getting to his feet. That's when a clever yet retarded idea popped into his twisted, aubergine-obsessed mind. "Hey Chris, wanna go to Freddy's? I heard that Michael might be there."
Chris, being the sweet yet naive boy he is, immediately threw himself at his father. "YAYAYAYAY LET'S GO RIGHT NOW!"
William smirked evilly, for his new diabolical scheme was already underway.

A Brother's Sorrow (adopted from @Eris345) Where stories live. Discover now