Chapter 10

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William laid upon his bed, feeling a sense of vindication. The children had been sacrificed to Shrek, as he had thrown a jar of swamp muck onto the corpses in a show of appreciation to the great ogre before disposing of the evidence. Now, all he had to do was wait, and he would get to see Michael alive once again. Feeling rather proud of himself and his actions, Afton slipped into a deep slumber, ignoring the obvious sounds of his holy refrigerator being raided and pillaged.
Chairs, meanwhile, was stealing himself some leftover fish sticks and dinosaur nuggets, not caring to think about why a middle-aged man would divulge in such childish delicacies. Inhaling them cold, he felt the hunger gnawing at his small, malnourished stomach dissipate.
Susie, since she couldn't eat anymore, was giggling silently about the whole situation. To her, this was an exciting game where the threat of being caught meant just running away squealing joyously. She was also amused by how the grumpy, old man she had seen a couple of days prior ate dino nuggets. After all, it was for children, similar to Trix cereal.
Chris, having snagged enough to last himself a week and a half, sneaked back into his bedroom and closed the door. Rubbing his now protruding tummy, he fell asleep on his mattress feeling almost as happy as when Elizabeth was alive.
(Time for sweet dreams. Haha not)
William's eyes flew open at the sound of a door slamming closed. Blinking rapidly in an attempt to adjust his eyesight to his surroundings, he swiveled his head back and forth in order to locate the outline of his son.
Instead, he saw the same damned office as last time, which was enough to make him scream like a baby girl.
"Miss me?" the voice whispered as popped out from nowhere.
"G-get away from me!" William squeaked, his voice sounding like a kitten's mewl. "FREAK! MONSTER! DEMON! STAY BACK!"
The thing seemed to smile through its melted, distorted mouth. "Aw, you can just call me Akumu! It's a pleasure to be your torturer, Willikins!"
"T-torturer?" William whispered, voice full of dread and fear. For once in his life, he was facing a fear he could not have ever imagined. "Wh-h-hy would I, of all people, need a torturer?" Maybe I can manipulate this creepy bastard so he stops appearing in MY dreamscape.
Akumu appeared confused, a child-like expression embracing his ghostly-pale face. "I thought this was the brain of that child murderer who's been killing off kids. My apologies. I mean, reading through your memories must've led me down the wrong path. Sorry for the mistake!" Suddenly, he lunged at the depressed serial killer, pinning him to the floor with one, bloodied hand. "Then again, your memories never lie. You blame the world for the deaths of the majority of your family, but the only guilty party I see is you." Its monstrous features returning to an appearance of child-like excitement, it released William and stood up gracefully. "So, are you ready for your daily dose of torture, Willikins?"
William shook his head 'no' frantically, but Akumu didn't take notice. He tried clearing his throat, but no sound came out. Once again, he tried shaking his head, only to find that his body refused to cooperate with what his fear-stricken brain was commanding it to. Shivering was the only thing he could do, so he did it with vigor.
Akumu burst out laughing, summoning a banjo from the darkness and plucking the strings a few times. "Are you feeling it now Mr. Afton? Are you feeling it NOW?" Clearing its throat in a respectable manner, its voice took on the characteristics of a young boy. "ArE yOu FeElInG iT nOw Mr. AfToN?"
William tried to scream, but blood streamed out from his mouth instead. As he lay on the cold, unforgiving floor of the office, he stared up at Akumu a final time. He attempted to speak, to make a simple sound, but his throat ripped itself apart instead. He died again to the hysterical laughter of the wretched Akumu, and the terrifying sound of sspringlocks snapping in his throat.
(My horrible attempts at a torture scene! Also, I'd advise translating Akumu's name. It'll help with understanding the context a tad better.)

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