Chapter 28

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(WOOP I'M BACK! The therapist didn't help so my parents got me a cat. Everything's better :3)

20 year time skip because the author doesn't want to be depressing and write about any more death and sadness anymore. You're welcome.

William, as the asshole he usually is, was happily enjoying himself in his now quite vivid imagination. He had created his own world where he and his family worshipped Shrek on the daily, praying to him before and after every meal. He was very satisfied with his imaginary life...until he was jolted into the real world.
The man spluttered, his nostrils flooding with the horrid stench of rotting flesh and broken dreams. He rose to his feet, only to feel a strange, mushy substance trickle down his legs. Finally, he looked down at his new body, only to realize that the mush seeping through the matter fabric that covered him was his liquefied, decaying muscle and skin tissue.
"AHAHHAHASJJSJSHAHDHJAJSJJSHSH!" William was screeching, his vocal cords too far decayed to form proper sentences. All he could do was make inhuman screeched and occasionally a garbled word or two.
Disoriented, the bunny-thing wandered through the halls of his new home, studying the cracked walls, faded kids drawings, and random animatronic parts put up on display. He shuddered at the sight of a disembodied Chica head on the arcade machine, her eyes somehow emitting a greenish glow.
"Hahahahaha Fortnite is better than Minecraft."
Springtrap whipped his head around when he heard that ridiculously incorrect statement and lumbered towards what he assumed to be the source. Whoever had dared say that...well they were going to pay, even if the zombie bunny didn't know what the fuck those games were and was only going to kill that brat out of instinct.

A Brother's Sorrow (adopted from @Eris345) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt