Chapter 34

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William stumbled past the darkened streets of wherever the hell he was, desperately trying to get out of the city by dawn. It was rather difficult now, considering he had lost his arms, yet he still shambles along, feeling more and more like a zombie with every step. He hasn't had to face the consequence of death until he was gifted his mind upon discovery.

How long was I trapped there? William shook his head between steps, focusing his attention towards his surroundings. If he was caught now, he'd be shipped back to that hellhole they called an attraction, or worse scrapped for parts. No, he couldn't allow himself to go out like this. All I wanted was a happy family. Why does the world hate me?

Meanwhile, a pile of scraps was immersing itself in a cardboard box filled with funky-smelling plastic play balls. It allowed its consciousness to disperse amidst the balls before closing its eyes, awaiting shipment to a new slaughterhouse. Little giggles snuffed out...but when will the birthday boy come to play?

Elizabeth smiled, brandishing a wicked claw before lifting it to her neck. Knowing what would come next, she snipped down on her neck, destroying the core of her AI. Finally, the child could fully rest forevermore. She felt lighter than ever before and raised her eyes to the sky, admiring the stars once more before passing on.

The souls wrongfully sacrificed were at peace, never having to meet the face of the unholy ogre entity. Their families never knew what had happened, yet they all felt that after years of grief, something had happened. The children that never got their future now had a chance at a new life.

For now, the mystery behind the murders at Freddy Fazbear's was still wrapped in a veil of secrecy. For now, the affected families were oblivious to the identity of the person who had ripped uncles, aunts, offspring, and siblings from their lives. But that would all change....



Don't worry, I'll drag you down to hell soon, Father.

A Brother's Sorrow (adopted from @Eris345) Where stories live. Discover now