Chapter 8

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"Chris you little shit! I'm going out to check up on the new pizzeria! Don't even THINK about leaving the house, okay?!" William called to his son, anticipating what he received: silence. Not dead silence, as he was far too busy to even consider burying his final child. That would be a problem. He slammed the door to the house shut, dead bolting it behind him. No, Chris wasn't going out. Not in a million years.
Meanwhile, Chris was hanging out with his newfound friend in his bedroom. A young girl, about the age of 8, had been popping into his room whenever she was bored, which provided the young boy with what he'd been dreaming about for years: a friend.
"Come on Chris! You can do it!"
Chris grunted as he completed his 47th pull-up. After all, it was the only form of exercise he'd been  able to receive. "A-almost...just t-t-three more..."
The ghost girl cheered, floating around the boy excitedly. "You're so strong! Almost as strong as my daddy!"
Chris dropped to the carpeted floor, soaked in sweat. He wiped his face with the towel he had snagged from the bathroom, panting.
The girl, known to her family as Susie, giggled as she levitatelevitated the curtain rod back to its original position. "I heard someone leave. Can we go exploring now? Please?"
Chris sighed, dropping the sweat-soaked towel. "Sure. I can finally nab some food for myself that isn't scraps!"
"You eat scraps? Why not a full meal?" Susie asked, concern starting to sleep into her voice.
"Eh it's nothing." Chris replied. "Dad works really hard to keep us in a house. It's lonely, but now you're here!"
Susie beamed, her teeth a brighter white than anything Chris had ever seen before. "Ooh cool! I was lonely too, until I met you. Mommy and Daddy left me alone at Freddy's for some reason, so now I'm here!"
"Left you alone?"
Susie scratched her translucent head. "Yeah. A yellow bunny found my dog for me. I followed him and then I fell asleep. I woke up but it was all dark so I tried to find Mommy. I couldn't find them though, so I wandered about trying to find my home and found you instead."
Chris muttered something unintelligible. "So, you wanna get some food?"
Susie squealed in delight. "Exploring time! We're just like Foxy, going on an adventure!"
Chris sniffled, recalling how his brother, Michael, had loved Foxy. "Y-yeah...let's go on an adventure!" He chanted the mantra that Mike would always shout when he was young. "Adventuring across the seven seas is treasure enough for me!"
"Woohoo!" Susie then floated through the door, impatiently waiting for Chris to follow.
Chris grabbed a small wire, which he had fashioned into a lockpick, and unlocked the door.
The dynamic duo sneaked into the kitchen, seeking the buried treasure: the refrigerator full of food. Locating it, they then had a spectacular feast; dancing, singing, and being kids. It was a fantastic night for Chris, who felt like he was playing with Elizabeth once again.
Sadly, the happiest of moments cannot last forever.

A Brother's Sorrow (adopted from @Eris345) Where stories live. Discover now