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A/N: IM BACC. (Sorry for the hiatus, i got a little writer's block so.. yeah..) Requests are opennn!! I can accept it if i can make it.

Inspired from Joji's Pills

(Y/N) was just a working mercenary with a wonderful co-workers. She knew them all and then created friendships and memories. She was considered the friendly merc of the R.E.D Team.. She usually like to spend her time alone in her bedroom. Probably doing something. But sometimes she chat up with her fellow mercenaries and then help them if they were in need.

(Y/N) really liked Medic. She liked him the first she got here. He was happy.. Crazy.. Maybe. And having the fun of his life. Through fighting. He can be fustrated sometimes but he was usually in his normal mood. In cease fire days, he invites Heavy for some talks and some tea. Medic's closest friend is him. He felt so much safe near Heavy, even in the battle. While Medic's behind his back.. Healing him and übercharging him. He's felt safer than ever with Heavy's presence around.

(Y/N) is a very friendly person but she was nervous to reach Medic. They sometimes chat but not usually. She wanted to get to know him better since she knew everyone except him (and spy, cause he's mysterious, right?). One time, she saw him laying down on a floor. A gloomy face formed in his face. She asked nicely "What's wrong?" He replied "Oh it's.. nothing.." He chuckled silently. "Go to the battlefield. I have to wait for someone." (Y/N) nodded and then ran away to the battlefield. She was curious what happened to Medic. He was really gloomy the first she saw him there. Laying down with his Medigun in his hand. She wondered how she can help him. She thought that she might have disturbed his personal space. So she shook her thoughts away.

Another cease fire day. (Y/N) planned to go to the town to buy some things. While she was walking to the kitchen, she saw Medic. Tired, his bags under his eyes are getting bigger. He was grabbing a coffee and then he suddenly saw (Y/N) standing still. "Oh.. Good morning, (Y/N)" He smiled weakly. "Good morning, Medic.. Are you okay?" She asked kindly. "Yeah.. Just some paperworks." He chuckled softly as he walked away. He don't want to see anymore human interactions. (Y/N) took notice of this. He looked like he needed help.

After that cease fire day, Heavy decided to leave the team and retire. "Heavy.. We will miss you!" (Y/N) said as he smiled. "Little girl will take charge of my class." He said. "Really?" She gasped. He nodded. Then he walked closer to me. He bent down to her level and then whispered. "Please take good care of doctor for me, okay?" He patted her shoulder and then left.

After that day, a fight is coming. Misha said that she will be the new Heavy. Medic was behind her since this was his plan on Heavy. The administrator screamed "Fight" and then all of them went running through the battlefield. Medic kept healing on her while she shoot the B.L.Us using her minigun. Everything is like the others until suddenly, Medic was stabbed. He screamed in pain that made her looked back quickly. He was painfully stabbed in the shoulder. "Medic! Here some cover." She said as she helped him walk away from the battlefield full of bullets and explosions. "Wait i have some first aid kit here." She said as she reached her bag. Medic kept screaming and panting in pain. "Fuck this.." He swore. "Just a little pain.." She said as she slowly added some healing into Medic's wound. "Argh.. Just kill me already!" He frowned in anger and pain. He felt like someone is torturing him. "Just one more.. We can do this, Joseph.." She soothed him with her soft voice. Medic sighed as she patched him up nicely."(Y/N).. I.. Thank you.."He smiled as he tried to quickly ran away. "You're still not okay, Medic." She replied. "No.. I'm fine. Just going back to the base." He said as he was completely gone. (Y/N) sighed as he walked away. There is something bothering him.. She wonder..

After the fight, (Y/N) walked to Medic's lab. She was curious and worried at the same time. She was going to knock the door but suddenly she hear crying. She knocked the door lightly and then Joseph said weakly "Who is in there?" "It's (Y/N).." She said softly. "Go away."
"But.. I wont help you if i hear you crying."
"So what?" He replied angrily.
"Please let me in."
He groaned. "Fine." She entered the lab and saw Joseph on the table with pills in hand. "Now what do you want?" He replied. "Joseph.. Are you okay? Is something bothering you?" She asked with concern in her voice. He frowned as he shook his head. "Now i've answer your question. Go away." He demanded. (Y/N) did not followed him but instead she walked closer to him. She met his lips with hers. Joseph was surprised his eyes are tearing up. "I love you, Joseph." She whispered. Joseph hugged her after the kiss. Tears falling into her shoulder. "I.." He was speechless.  "Please tell me everything." She said sweetly. "I never knew someone liked me. I thought i was going to be alone forever since Misha was gone." He said as he grabbed a tissue to clear up his tears. "Hey.. Misha told me to help you if you're needing." She said as she smiled sweetly. "Thank you, (Y/N)." Joseph said as he smiled back.

A/N: (dunno how i did this but i just did it hahah) Guysss i have another new oneshot book! Spy x reader oneshots! Check it out if u want! And also requests are openn

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