My World - A Jeremy Renner Song (Part 1: The Break Up)

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‘And when you walked out I couldn’t let you know,
That I can’t let go,
Can’t let go’

(Y/N) and Clint have been dating for almost two years now and this was the first time they ever had such a big fight. Why? Because she couldn’t stand the relationship that he had with Natasha. He would always take Natasha’s side over hers and it was driving her insane. This nonsensical fight has been going on for more than hour and was showing no signs of being resolved any time soon.

“Why can’t you trust me Clint? I’m your girlfriend for crying out loud,” (Y/N) said.

“Just tell me the truth (Y/N). Nat said she saw you kissing Peter.”

“How many times do I have to tell you WE ARE JUST FRIENDS! We have been friends since we were in diapers and that isn’t going to change. He’s the only friend I have who is around my age and I can confide in about my problems. He understands what I’m going through because he deals with it too.”

Clint dug his head in the palms of his hands, “I don’t believe you (Y/N). Natasha said…”

“Natasha, Natasha, Natasha that’s all I’ve been hearing for the last two years. She’s been trying to break us up Clint can’t you see that?”

“Nat would never do something like that to me. She knows how much you mean to me.”

“So you believe Natasha over me?”

Clint remained silent but (Y/N) knew what his answer was, “Well then, I think this relationship has run its course.”


“There’s no relationship without trust Barton and since you obviously don’t trust me why are we even in this relationship?”

“Goodbye Clint. I will send Wanda or Vision to pick up the rest of my stuff later,” (Y/N) said gabbing her purse and keys from the table.

“Where will you stay?” Clint asked knowing that HQ has been your only home the last few years.

“At Peter’s,” (Y/N) scoffed, “far away from you.”

Clint Barton aka Hawkeye Imagines/One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now