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A/N That's one of Midoriya's wings UwU

Midoriya's POV

After leaving Todoroki's room, I headed back towards the stairs. I still have to spread out my wings and take flight.

I get up to the top of the stairs and exit through the door.

Walking towards the railings I hear a familiar voice.

"And where do you think you're going Izuku Midoriya?"

I turn around to see that fucking rat standing there. A smug look plastered on his face.

"I'm going to stretch out my wings." I sneer at him, pointing to the bloody mess, slowly healing on my back.

"See, we can't let you leave the premises unaccompanied. You could be going back to that villain hideout for all we know, even if you do return."

"So what do you suggest." His face is making me sick. Fuck I want to punch him so bad.

"I suggest that you go with a teacher accompanying you. Because I know you will leave to fly either way, and we wouldn't want you to attack someone would we?"

Does this rat really think I'm going to kill someone at the first chance I get? Dumbass.

"So who's going to be with me then?"

"Hawks, come here."

A teacher came towards me, a stupid smile plastered on his face as he ate from a fucking chicken noodle cup.

"I'm 98% sure that's cannibalism chicken boy."

He gave me such a shocked and over exaggerated expression, it was almost comical.

"Well, you'll be flying with Ha-"

"Nope. I am NOT staying with this dude, bye rat! I'll be back in a few hours!"

Before he even had a chance to say anything, I ran towards the railing of the roof and gracefully glided over. Aiming straight down towards the ground. I remembered that time when I was 10. But I'm not him anymore.

The wind ran through my hair, tangling my now green roots. Streetlights shone brightly and reflected on windows as I reached the bottom. At the last second, I put all my effort into lifting myself and shot up from the floor, the shock from the change in air pressure slightly cracking the pavement below.

Soaring up into the sky felt so freeing, like I had no worries and I could just forget it all. Time seems slow. I glide and glide. Wings spread wide, flapping very now and again to keep me up. Drifting through the sky and through the clouds, my hair turning dewy.

It's peaceful. I miss peace. Everything is so busy and hectic.

I feel like all the villains want me to do is hurt others. they're the first people I really trusted, but they aren't good people. They're wrong.. I can feel yourself slipping. Losing my sanity every time I take on the demon form, every time I think about it. It is me now, keeping it hidden won't do good. I know it. Destruction will hurt others, and I'll become a bomb if I conceal myself, it can only end badly.

I'm not hiding. I know what will become of me eventually. But I have to wait to regain my abilities. Patience. Patience is all I need before I can leave this stupid school and live a life I want to live, controlled by no one.

Todoroki POV

By the time homeroom started, Miduki wasn't in class. I don't know where he is but all I can think about is what happened last night in my dream.

-like 2 hours ago-

The sudden blaring of an alarm woke me up, launching out of my bed, clothes sticking to my wet body. With my heart racing and my body shaking, I take a few deeps breaths to calm down. Damn, last nights dream was...something. It felt so real, and amazing. I smile to myself remembering what happened. Weird how Miduki turned into Midoriya though, it's almost like my brain subconsciously knows it, haha. 

Finally feeling calm, I remove my clothes and walk over to the bathroom, but not before I notice a sudden pang of cold on my foot. Looking down and lifting my foot I see red. This wasn't there yesterday, I'm sure of it.

Memories from my dream suddenly flash through my head. Midoriya and his bleeding back, and I don't remember coming back to my room (would I remember? it was a dream......right?) Feeling uneasy, I touch the possible blood staining my foot. Definitely blood. Well shit.

Does this mean everything I've been dreaming is true? Does this mean that Miduki is Midoriy- wait, doeS THIS MEAN THAT I KISSED MIDORIYA LAST NIGHT HOLY SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!

-Present Time-

It's been 40 minutes since homeroom started. Miduki still hasn't arrived, but then again neither has Aizawa. As soon as school started I made a b line towards my seat and didn't talk to anyone. I've been too preoccupied thinking about Miduki (possibly Midoriya) and if last night happened, but if so, if he's okay. 

Just as I lowered my head from the door, it swung open incredibly fas, creating a loud bang as it hit the wall, cracking the wall. Heads turned towards Miduki immediately, the classroom becoming devoid of sound. He walked in quickly and sat in his seat right behind me as usual. Whispers suddenly blew up, everyone's eyes still on him. My eyes followed him to his seat.

"Hey, are you oka-"

"Alright, class settle down."

As soon as Aizawa walked in, everyone tore their eyes away from Miduki and focused on the teacher. It's like I could feel him relax from behind me. He exhaled a hot breath of relief, and I felt it immediately hit the back of my neck, making the hairs stand on end sending a chill down my spine.

I tried to focus on Aizawa as he let us know that we would be conducting a training exercise. 

That meant, that I would be able to see Miduki in action, and get to know who he really is. 

1007 words


I already have Part 19 half written lmao

Hope you enjoyed this chapter because it was a pain in the fucking ass to write

I'm supposed to be doing my coursework right now, but what do I care?

see you in the next one nerds

Release 27/04/19
Fricking rewrite 27/10/19

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