Murders of Detectives

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Light and Ryuk were in front of the gate of the Wammy House... 'Now only I will go in, not you, remember that, Ryuk!...' Light said. Ryuk nodded his head in "yes". 

Light went in... He saw many young detectives playing with puzzles... He first found out how many cameras there were in the room... Four... So he got one handkerchief at a time and wrapped up each of the cameras... The handkerchiefs were laying on the floor since the children often used them... 'Near would surely know that all the cameras getting tied up by handkerchiefs and all the children in the Wammy House dying cannot be a coincidence and then he must jump to the correct conclusion of Kira's revival.... But I don't care... Let him close in on me... I have the Shinigami eyes now... I will just kill him... That fool will surely think there's a new human Kira... Haha, he doesn't know what he is up against!' Light took out his Death Note and pen as he smirked and turned around... 

He saw the name of one of the detectives in the room with the help of his Shinigami Eyes... He wrote his name down... 

'Ha...' he giggled 'I would love to see Near's pissed face AFTER THIS!' He crazily started writing down the names of the other detectives too! He saw the name with the Shinigami Eyes... He wrote it down... His giggle had now turned into a maniacal laughter! He laughed as he saw all the detectives slowly have the heart attacks and then die! 

'NO MORE DETECTIVES AFTER YOU, NEAR!' Light yelled as he wrote down more names. Everyone in the Wammy House panicked, but it was too late... Kira had killed everyone in the Wammy House... Everyone... Even the teachers... Only one of them were left... It was a teacher of the Wammy House... 'I have a special one for you!' Light thought. He wrote his name and then he wrote the cause of death as: "The house he is in gets covered with fire for an unknown reason and burns down, burning him with itself..." Forty Seconds passed and everything happened just as Kira wanted... The Wammy House got burned down, burning the remaining teacher with it... 

Kira let out his laughter again after he saw it burn... He saw the root of L, Near and Mello burn! BURN! 

After some moments, he went back to Ryuk.... 'Now, let's find out where Near is and go back to him!' Light said 'The chances of him being in the USA or Japan are the highest so we will go there first!'

Near had got to know about the deaths after a few hours... 'Deaths in the Wammy House?' Near asked 'How is that even possible? It has top-notch security... Anyways, show me the footage...' the SPN members showed him the footage of what exactly had happened... Near just saw handkerchiefs magically flying up into the air and getting attached with the cameras... He narrowed his eyes.... Then he heard a lot of screams... Screams... Of Pain... Of Death.... 'So all of them died of heart attacks too?' Near asked. 'Yes!' the SPN member said.

'There could be two conclusions I could reach from this...' Near thought 'Either the new Kira bribed his Shinigami with apples and let him tie the cameras and then he went in the room and killed them all OR The New Kira is a Shinigami himself.... The second conclusion is more likely but also the weirder one... I mean nobody sounded surprised before they got killed... So it's safe to assume that they didn't see anybody coming in.... I have already recruited one member for the new SPK... I quickly have to recruit even more... Or this will get out of hand! This new Kira... Is annoying me...' He kept looking at the footage angrily as he squashed a dice that was in his hand... 

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