I Can't Help It

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I frickin love this idea and depending on how you guys react I may make this a more common theme. Anyways. Thanks.

"So I was thinking we go to the store and get another one of those LEGO sets to work on after school." Ned began and Peter shrugged.

"Can't, Spiderman promised Flash another meet up soon." Peter sighed and Ned looked confused. "Why would you agree to that?" "I didn't, Spiderman did. Plus I want to find out more about what Flash is like when he isn't stuffing my locker with girly stuff." Peter admitted. He was curious to find out what Flash thought of him.

Ned shrugged and began to open his mouth to talk before Peter felt someone bump into his shoulder.

"Hey!" He exclaimed and turned around to see it was Flash.

"Watch it." Flash said, upset. Peter looked concerned for a moment. "Are you... Are you crying?"

"SHUT UP!" Flash yelled and Peter nodded for Ned to leave.

"What's wrong? Do you need to go to the counselor?" Peter asked and Flash bit his lip. "No. My dad says that counselors aren't for real men." He said and Peter hesitated before talking.

"Flash are you okay?" "No I'm not okay. My dad disowned me the other night because he found out I was- and he- and my teachers don't like me, and nobody believes Spiderman actually agreed to meet up with me later, and then there's you! Always with the good grades and the friends and this whole Stark Internship where you met the frickin Avengers and it doesn't help that you're fucking adorable!" Flash rambled and wiped his eyes before it clicked in his head that he just said that.

"I mean-" Flash quickly said and Peter shook his head. "It's okay. Is this why you bully me? Because you have so much crap at home?"

"No.. it's because I'm gay okay?" Flash muttered. "Go ahead, Laugh."

Peter looked shocked that he thought He would laugh at him. "Why would I laugh at you for that? Especially when I'm in the same boat as you, I'm bisexual and nobody believes me about this Stark thing and they don't think I actually know Spiderman when in all reality I'm closer with him than anyone would even imagine." Peter gave a hollow laugh.

"Really? You won't tell anyone right?" Flash said worriedly and Peter shrugged. "Not unless you want me to. Hey I have a question, Did you mean it?" Peter asked curiously and Panic flashed across his face.

The dismissal bell rang and Flash exhaled. "Uh, See you tomorrow?" He said and practically ran out of the school.

Later that day

"And then as soon as he almost figured it out, the bell rang." Flash finished telling Spiderman the story of what happened and Spiderman nodded.

"Saved by the bell I guess." Peter joked and looked at his phone, the time flashed across his lock screen of a picture he took of Tony. Super good picture, super funny picture, and best of all Stark didn't know he took it.

"Oh man, I gotta go. Do you need a place to go tonight or are you good for today?" Peter asked and Flash shrugged. "I should be good." "Can I get your number then in case?" Peter asked to make sure Flash would have a place to go if things went south. "Sure," He agreed. After exchanging numbers, Peter stood up. 

"See you tomorrow?" Peter asked, thankful that he'd added the voice changer to his suit. It didn't do much but deepen it a bit more than normal, but not like Interrogation mode did.

"Yeah, See you then." Flash said and tried to remember where he had seen that picture before as he watched Spidey swing off.

The Adventures of Peter Parker, Loki, Shuri, and Harley. BOOK THREE Where stories live. Discover now