Chapter 10: Dark Rage and Wishes fufilled

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Jayden POV

"I'm going, don't bother keeping up!" I yell as I am about to Shadowport to the base when Danielle grabbed me. "You know it's a trap," she said whilst trying to hold me still but to no avail. "I care not for my own safety, I made a vow and a promise, I will not go back on my word," I say darkly as I teleport away leaving Evelyn and Danielle alone near the base.

Aria POV

Now I know how it feels to be tied up and unable to yell for help. I'm gagged and tied to a chair by chains. I see Kano and Adam approach from my left. "Well now, look who woke up? It's the prince of darkness' lap dog" Kano says mockingly as I feel my anger burning through my skin. "Aria, I don't want to have to hurt you, tell us the location of the Lin Kuei Temple," Adam orders as he removes the gag. "How would I know, I've never been," I spit venomously at both of them. "Looks like we are going to have to wait until Saibot gets here and it from him," hearing this made my heart drop. It's a trap.

"Then you will need to wait longer," a dark voice says from behind them. Then, Adam is thrown across the room and Kano is kicked backwards. In the place stands Jayden. "Jayden," I say weakly as he cuts the chains. "Don't worry, I always keep my word," he says as he is then stabbed in the back. "I don't appreciate being kicked across a room mate, you need to learn to fight properly," Kano says as he cleans his blade. 'Why didn't he activate his aura,' I thought as I saw Jayden bleeding from the back.

Jayden POV

Trying to ignore the pain in my back was easy, but now I needed stitches. Kano begins to pace around me as I get in my stance. "Well, ya tougher than ya look, I'll give ya that." He says as he throws his knoves at me, trying to impale me. I teleport behind him and slam him into the ground. Using a ghost ball, I make him unable to defend himself and I begin my assault. First I punch him in the chest, cracking 2 ribs. Then I break his left leg and follow with a snapped arm. Next I summon my clone and drag him into my darkness world. A few feet away Kano I forced out with a broken collar bone and mild bleeding. However, he gets up and does a roll attack which connects and sends me backwards. A send a chador clone sliding across the ground and one charging at him whilst I create a portal b hind me. Kano is knocked into the portal where I cave his skull in with a few curb stomps. I was about to end him but I look at Aria. "Be lucky I spare you today, Kano" I say as I grab Aria and try to warp out only to be shot in the shoulder from behind.

I see Adam standing, slightly worse for wear with a standard sidearm pistol. He then takes another shot only it to miss and hit Aria's waist. This sends me over the edge as I yell and I run at him, swords drawn ready to rip him to pieces. He tries to block with his sword but I was too fact and unpredictable and ended up cutting off one of his hands and stabbing him between the ribs. Then I send a clone to grab him and I drop kick him into a wall which cracks. I grab his blade and are prepared to end hi. But my attention was drawn to the whimpering Aria.

"Aria, are you ok" I say as I take off my mask and warp us out. "Never...better" She says jokingly as she winces as I apply pressure to the wound. "Hold on, we are almost at the evac site." I say as I run even faster. I make it to the site and see the Bullhead landed. "We need a medic!" I Yell and someone comes out and takes her in and notices my bleeding back. "Don't worry about me, just focus on her." I say and they take her to the medical room on the Bullhead. I sit with the rest of my team and they notice my back. "Are you ok, that looks painful?" Evelyn asks and I reply with "I've had worse".


It has been 3 days since we came back and Aria has made an excellent recovery. Whilst she was in the infirmary I decided to think back on the events in the BD Headquarters. 'Why did I get so angry when Aria was shot? It makes no sense.' I think to myself as Yamg and Ruby walk in. "Hey bro, what's up you look troubled" yang says which startles me, something I am not used to. "Something on my mind but I can't put reason to it." I say and I explain what happened on our mission, excluding the bloodbath that we caused. "Well big brother, it sounds like you are in love," yang says which shocks me to the core. "I agree with Yang, why don't you go talk with her? See if she likes you back" Ruby says encouragingly. 'Now that I think about my heart seemingly raves when I am near her,' I think as I stand up. "Thanks guys, I know what to do," I say as I head to the infirmary.


Outside her door I mentally prepare myself to speak with Aria. I open the door and see her looking out the window in the hospital bed. "Hey Aria, how you feeling?" I ask making my presence known. "I'm good, why do you ask?" She says while she looks at me quizzically my only response is a simple "Aria, do you like me, not as a friend but more?" I can see her face glow bright red from embarrassment as she stutters while  I approach, "well...kinda, you're the first person that didn't judge me for being part of the White Fang or even being a faunas so I-," I interrupt her by kissing her on her lips. She is completely shocked but slowly melts into the kiss. After about a minute we separate for air and my only words are "you're welcome," she then pulls me onto the bed and we cuddle for a while until we both fall asleep.

Meanwhile, at the Lin Kuei Temple.

Kuai Liang POV

"Tell the others that we set off for Beacon it 5 days." I say to another member as he bows and walks off. After my head begins to hurt with a voice yelling at me. "Stop, what your doing is wrong. You're meant to protect Remnant." Suddenly flashes of my past begin to go through my head.


"Brother check this out" I hear Jayden say as he creates 4 copies of himself. Skarlet cheered from behind me as I applauded him. "Well done Jayden, and the same to you two. All three of you have showed great promise and each of you are worthy of taking my place and defending Remnant and the Lin Kuei honour." I hear father say which fill us with great pride. "We won't let you down father." We all say and we continue training.

End flashback

"I...have dishonoured the clan. I am no grandmaster." I say as my yellow eyes return to their icy blue. I walk to the courtyard and see my fellow assassins. "Fellow members of the Lin Kuei." I say getting all their attention. "I have been deceived into following the orders of the one I swore to defend Remnant against. For that I lost the remaining family I have to my own ambition. No longer. Today we stand against Salem and her regime and reclaim our honour." The members bowed in acknowledgment as I walked towards my chair. "I must see Jayden and regain his trust. I just hope that I can undo my mistakes." I say to myself as I plan ahead for what our next actions will be.

Meanwhile, in Vacuo
3rd person POV

A person wearing a red garments covering her entire body walks through a now silent city with corpses drained of their own blood. "I promise, I will hunt you down for what you did to me...Brother." The figure says as the camera pans to reveal...

" The figure says as the camera pans to reveal

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"And a Lin Kuei never breaks a promise."

A/N well, here is the next chapter. I hope you like what you is going to happen. Now, which brother is Skarlet talking about...idk wait and see. Also if you have any ideas for further romantic development with Jayden and Aria, that would be appreciated. I don't know how to write romantic scenes so bear with. anyay.PEACE

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