Chapter 13 - The Truth Revealed

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Kuai Liang POV

It has been 7 months since Jayden's death and the Rose household hasn't been getting better. Ruby had left about a week ago for mistral with the rest of Team Jade and JNPR, Qrow decided to follow them to keep an eye on them, Yang was still having nightmares about her encounter with Adam Taurus and the adults had fallen into a depressed state. I still had the Lin Kuei to look over but I checked up on them as the Temple was closer than expected.

I go o check on Yang who I now see as a younger sister and tell her, "Yang, you are wanted downstairs." She comes out and sees Ironwood with a metal case on the table opening it revealed a metal arm for her. While she talks with her father I went to Ironwood. "General, we need to talk." I say seriously as we go outside. "What do you know of the Cyber Initiative." I ask as he tries to dodge the question, "do not avoid the question Ironwood, you helped Sektor to make his idea a reality, you are the only one in Remnant who has access to that tech," I say and he admits, "yes is did, however I planned only for volunteers from Atlas, not the Lin Kuei." He says which brought about my next question. "Then what Was Penny," Ironwood then explains what happened and I accept it.

He then leaves for Atlas and I was about to head in when a familiar voice call for me. "I have finally found you, Brother" I turn around and see a woman wearing blood red clothing. "Skarlet, your alive" I say as she summons a blood scythe and tries to cut me in half. When I evade I notice her eyes are yellow, similar to how mine were when under Salem's influence. "Skarlet this isn't you, you are under Salem's control." I say as I freeze the ground to stop her. "I don't want to hurt you," I say as she breaks the ice, "say that to Jayden, who else could rip their skull and spine out in one go," she states which bring back memory of me training Cinder. "Cinder Fall caused his death I saw it" I say to try and calm her down but it has the adverse effect. "YOU LIE!" She yells as she stabs in the the chest with her knife.

"Skarlet, listen to me. I do not lie, it goes against honour," I say weakly as she begins to gain her own control back. Taiyang and Sumer then come out and see me bleeding and Skarlet holding her head in pain I then black out.

Meanwhile in the Netherrealm,

Noob Saibot POV

Me and Scorpion are currently in the fortress when we hear someone call us, "a pleasant surprise to see you both," out of the darkness comes Quan chi. Both me and scorpion bow and he gives us a task. "I need you to kill someone by the name of Ruby Rose." When I heard that name, memories came back but I shrugged them off and replied, "it  will be done" we then rise and leave but I get curious, "go ahead Hanzo I will meet you at the bridge." I say and he nods and keeps going.

I mask my prescient and watch Quan Chi talking into a Grimm. "I have sent them to kill her Salem, then they are yours to command." He says as the Grimm responds with a voice from whoever was on the other side, "make it quick Sorcerer, Cinder lost and arm from one of your revenants before she killed him while Hazel and Tyrian nearly died destroying the Shiraz Ryu and putting the blame on the Lin Kuei."

After hearing that I realised that both me and Hanzo were being used so I teleported to him and warned him, "Hanzo, we cannot do the order we are being used." He looks at me cautious and replies, "how?" I reply was simple, "after our task, Quan Chi will give us to the person responsible for both our deaths, her name is Salem. She ordered the destruction of the Shiraz Ryu and one of her henchmen killed me." I could see his eyes burning with anger, unlike me he kept his memories whilst mine were lost. "Hiromi, Satoshi." He said as he began to ignite. "We will take vengeance later Hanzo, at the moment we should warn this Ruby and anyone linked to her. He agrees and we head for Remnant and destroy the bridge to the Netherrealm.


We arrive in Remnant and a feeling of nostalgia fuels us both. We decide to look for a town and find a path leading to a village. The village was called 'Patch' and it felt special to me but I ignored it for now. We kept wandering until we saw a house and many memories came back. "This is my...home" I say as we approach the door. I knock to see if anyone is here and a woman with black and red hair opens the door. When she sees me she looks shocked. "Jayden, is that you" She says weakly as memories came back, all involving her and someone and dad. I go to a knee and Hanzo catches me and I get up and look at her. "Yes mother, it is I" I say as o remember more but still, there are gaps. I'm quickly brought into a bone crunching hug by mom and she cries into my shoulder. "Summer, what's wro..." dad looks at me and sees why, "hello father" I say and he joins the hug.

I enter the house and see two people on the couch, both unconscious after looking at them more memories begin to come to my mind, the Lin Kuei. The eleven  years of my life I enjoyed after what happened before. "Skarlet, Kuai Liang" I say and Kuai Liang wakes up and sees me. "Impossible, how are yo..." Kuai stops as he sees Scorpion. "You, back to try and kill me," He says while Scorpion begs to differ, "that was before I learned the truth, Salem will burn for the destruction of my clan." Ya g comes downstairs after hearing all the commotion and sees me. "Jayden, is that you" She says and memories come back about her and...Ruby. I take a moment to realise my predicament when I notice Yang's arm, or rather lack of one. "How did you..." I ask and her reply made my black blood boil. "Adam cut it off".

Then the other person began to stir. "Where am I?" Skarlet says as she looks around. She looks at me and I notice yellow eyes. "Jayden" She says as the eyes waver to red for a moment. "Yes it is I, Skarlet, you must regain control of yourself. Do not let Salem take hold." I say as she clutches her head in pain. After a minute she opens her eyes revealing blood red and she looks at me. "Brother, I...I..." She begins to break down as she remebers what she did for Salem. I bring her into an embrace only a brother could. "I killed so many, Drained them of their blood, I'm a monster," She begins to cry and Kuai Liang comes to comfort her and begins to speak, "I know how it feels Skarlet, I To was under her control and I led the Lin Kuei in dishonour." Skarlet then pulls out a cracked Lin Kuei badge and I grab it and begin to use my shadows to fix it. "What you did is cannot be undone, but you can stop similar actions by helping us." Hanzo said as he approached. "Right, we will fight Salem together." She said as she got her confidence back. I hand back her badge and she attaches it to her chest.

After that a question came to mind. "Where's Ruby?" When I said this the response was unwelcoming. "We left for mistral with JNPR and your team." At the mention of my team I remember gaining one but can't remember anyone from it. "When did they leave, me and Hanzo need to get to her for her protection." Kuai Liang decided to speak up "she left a week ago, I will accompany you." "So shall I" Skarlet said enthusiastically.

"Hey, I am not being left out," I hear Yang say as I see her changed with a yellow robotic arm. "How did you change so fast and gain a confidence boost." I ask as everyone had that same thought. "Well, while you were calming Skarlet down I got this ready and now I am going with you." I sigh as I know I can't stop her. I was about to allow her but Dad stopped her by saying, "yang, I think it is time you met your mother, the reason I say this is she can take you to Ruby, Qrow is following her." Yang looks conflicted but I nod at her and she agrees, "Kuai Liang , can you accompany her in case she gets into trouble." I ask and he agrees.

We were about to head out when Mom stopped me and said something to me "Jayden, I want you to have this. It served me well while I was still a huntress and not a mother and I know you will find use for it." She gave me a box and when I opened it I was surprised. Inside was a new Sickle but it had a chain attached to it.

"Thank you mother, I will put it to good use" I say as I put it on my back and wrap the chain around my body

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"Thank you mother, I will put it to good use" I say as I put it on my back and wrap the chain around my body. We begin to head off towards Mistral in search of Ruby to protect her and hopefully, regain the rest of my memories.

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