Chapter 14 - Scorpion's Sting

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Jayden POV

Currently, we are following a trail that should hopefully lead us to Mistral. However, I wish to find Ruby and my team beforehand to ensure their protection. We had passed a destroyed village on the way and it look s like someone set up camp. Hanzo was able to find out when by using 5e remaining ash and it was recent, only about 9 hours ago. We're close to someone.

"We should be carful, we may come across whoever lit this fire. They may not be friendly." Hanzo said as we continued on.  In he distance we could see another abandoned village but we could hear gunshots. We scaled the wall and landed on the rooftops on one of the buildings and saw a fight between Ruby, JNPR and team vs a guy with metal wrist blades with an smug in the middle of each. "Skarlet, you distract the assailant while Hanzo gets the others. I will end it." She nods to my order and we execute our plan.

Skarlet POV

'Finally, I can kill this arrogant fool and drain his essence'. I approach Tyrian and draw my dagger. "Skarlet, you are meant to serve the Goddess," He says surprised. "I am a Lin Kuei Assassin, not a follower of Salem" I say in a eerie way which angers him. "Then I will cut you to shred," he then tries to cut me with his blades but fails miserably as I evade and stab him with blood spears and my blood scythe. He reveals his scorpion tail and tries to poison me, but it doesn't work well for him.

(The third one)

I was about to drain him when a spear went through his chest. "GET OVER HERE!" Hanzo yells and pulls him towards him at an alarming rate. "Someday, I will kill you Scorpion." I say to myself as I absorb the spilled blood.

Hanzo POV

"You will not harm them, faunas." I say in an authoritative way as I emit embers from my body. "You were meant to serve The Goddess, Quan Chi made falts in your resurrection." My body burst into flames, revealing a skeleton. "Both him and your goddess will burn" Tyrian tried to poison me with his tail but my sting is much worse. I teleported behind him and knocked him in the air. He tried to shoot me but all his shots missed as I threw my spear. "COME HERE" I yelled as I yanked him down and broke his rib cage. I then got close and breathed fire on him then slashed him with my sword.

(There was nothing better)

He lay on the floor burnt and bleeding from both mine and Skarlet's assault. Looking behind me I see Ruby and her followers looking us in mild anticipation. "Leave him, I will finish him" I hear a raspy voice call from behind us. Jayden walks out the shadows. "You Disappoint me." He says as Tyrian gets up. "The feeling is mutual Saibot." The faunas retorts as Noob prepares for Kombat. "Make your Goddess proud then"

(Replace the beginning dialogue with the one up top and everyone else as Tyrian, ignore all advertising and Shao Kahn)

Tyrian lay dead as I look at Skarlet and Hanzo. I turn around and immediately get collided by someone at breakneck speeds. "Brother, is that you" I hear ruby cry out as I nod and stroke her head. "Yes, it is i" she hugs me for dear life saying how much she missed me. "Jayden" I hear another call. I look up and see what I think is my team. "Jayden, is it really you." The Wolf faunas says as a burst of memories flood my system. I remember my time with my team and...Aria. "Aria" I say as I let go of Ruby and walk to Aria. I bring her into an embrace and she sinks into it. "I'm sorry for worrying you," I say as she looks at me. "At least you aren't dead." She says happily. "That isn't...strictly true..." oh elder gods, help me.


For the next 10 minutes I explain what happened to me to my team, Ruby, JNPR, and Qrow who decided to show himself. I also let Hanzo and Skarlet tell them about themselves and their reasons for hating Salem. "Who's Salem" Rub y asks and all but Hanzo, Qrow and Skarlet also look at me curiously. "She's the queen of the Grimm, she commands them and also can make them. She's the enemy." Qrow says as he further explains about Salem. "You all schools get some rest, you too Skarlet and Qrow, me and Hanzo will keep watch." I say as both me and Hanzo don't need sleep.

"Jayden, a word" Hanzo states as he brings me further away from the others. "Who is the girl with the arm blades." He asks and I begin to laugh in retort. "That is is Danielle Hewlett, daughter of an Atleasian officer. Why ask, do you like her." I say holding a snicker. "Uh-no I was just curious." He says while beginning to look red in his undead face. "For an assassin, you are a bad liar. I thought you wouldn't be interested after what happened to your family." I say but he look beyond me to the campsite.

"Haromi would want me to move on and not dwell in the past. I accept that and wish for an new start." He says solemnly and I put my hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, I understand, Also you two would make a good couple as both of you use fire in some way." I say jokingly as I walk off to keep watch allowing Hanzo some time to recollect himself.

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