Dirty/Sweet Harry Imagine

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You sat on your couch crying your eyes out for the second year in the row since you and Harry broke up. It was silly, because you were the one that broke up with him. It was your own fault you felt this sad. You had broken up with him because he was always on tour and he never had any time with you. Now that you think about it, it sounds so selfish. You cried for months after you broke up. Whenever you were having a bad day, you would think about how Harry would have made you feel better, and then you'd start crying again. Exactly two years ago was the day you had made the worst decision of your life- breaking up with the love of your life. You stared at the picture of you and Harry as tears ran down your face. 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. You got up, wiped the tears off your cheeks, and went to get the door. When you opened it, your heart nearly stopped. The love of your life was standing in front of you, looking handsome as ever. You never thought you would be lucky enough to see him again.

Your instinct was to jump in to his arms, so you did. You wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. The second he wrapped his arms around your waist you burst into sobs. He hugged you tighter and held your head to his chest gently. Feeling his touch made you so happy. You'd missed out on that for two years. He still had that sweet smell that he always used to have. You began to cry harder.

"Shh babe its okay." Harry said soothingly. 

Hearing his voice was so comforting.

"I-It w-was the w-worst decision of m-my life, Haz!" You sobbed.

Harry urwrapped his arms from around you, lifted your chin up, and took your hands in his gently. He rested his forhead against yours.

"Don't cry babe it makes me sad. I hate seeing you like this. I will always be here for you if you want to take back your decision, love." Harry said, kissing your forhead.

His lips felt so soft. You wanted to kiss him so badly. 

"Please Harry. I'm so sorry I never should have let you go! Harry, I love you." 

"I love you y/n. Everything about you. Always have, and always will." Harry said.

He then unlocked one of his hands from yours, used it to tilt your chin up, and gave you what you'd been needing for the past two years- a kiss. At that moment, everything felt so right. The second you pulled away, Harry took something out of his jacket.

"Oh, I got these for you." Harry handed you a beautiful boquet of tulips- your favorite flower. "I'm sorry they got a bit damaged inside my jacket...I didn't want to give them to you until the perfect moment so I tried to hide them in my jacket and they're a bit crumpled I'm so sorry babe..Oh gosh I wanted them to be perfect for you.." He was trying so hard.

"Babe, stop talking. They're perfect." You smiled as a tear of joy ran down my cheek. 

Harry reached up and wiped it away with his thumb. 

"Not as perfect as you." Harry said, kissing you again.

The kiss was long and passionate. It turned into a makeout.

He pulled away and lightly kissed your neck before mumbling, "Jump, love." 

You jumped and he lifted you into his arms, still kissing your neck. He carried you to your room and gently laid you down on the bed. He began to undress and you followed suit. You both had missed this so much that you wanted to skip the foreplay. 

Once you were both completely naked, he layed down on top of you and stared into your eyes.

"You're so gorgeous, y/n." Harry said before gently kissing you. 

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