Frigid Ferocity Part 2

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Arielle curled up into a ball, bringing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. She was freezing cold. She sobbed hopelessly, wanting it all to just go away. All she wanted was Harry. But she wouldn't go crawling back to him - not this time. She recalled what happened nearly a week ago...

Arielle was in a great mood. Harry had been gone in LA for a few days, and his flight back to London had just gotten in. Even though it had only been a few days, she missed Harry terribly and couldn't wait to see him. She wanted to create a perfect night for Harry when he got home. Little did she know it would turn out to be a disaster. She pulled out her phone and shot her gorgeous boyfriend a text.

"Hey babe, when will you be home? I'm making you your favorite dinner and I thought we could eat and then watch a movie or two..and then I'm going to make you feel good since you've been working so hard lately ;) -Arielle x"

Harry was on his way home from the airport. His emerald eyes filled with tears as they scanned the text. He pulled over on the side of the rode and laid his head down on the steering wheel. He began to sob. What had he done? He was a monster.

Arielle was the only girl he would ever love. She meant the world to him. He loved her big brown eyes, full of compassion and curiosity..her perfect smile and the way it lit up the room...her hands that were so small, yet they still intertwined so perfectly with his large ones. He loved her electric blonde hair and the way she'd twirl it around her fingers when she was nervous. He loved the fact that her curvaceous figure could make him instantly hard even when she wore sweats and a t-shirt. He loved Arielle with every fiber of his being, and he had screwed it up.

Harry was in a club in LA when it happened. He was drunk and he wasn't thinking clearly. He downed another shot, letting the liquid burn his throat as he stammered towards a bar stool, dizzy. He closed his eyes and blinked a few times until things came back into focus. That's when he saw her..a girl about his age with a perfect hourglass figure, blonde wavy hair, and brown eyes that could seduce you with just one look. Fuck she was fit. She reminded Harry of Arielle. She caught Harry's eyes and motioned him over to her. Caught in the moment, Harry got up and stumbled over to the girl and started dancing with her.

The rest he could barely remember. He had small memories of what happened, but they were blurry and unclear.

He remembered screaming Arielle's name as he thrusted in and out of the girl. He remembered thinking that this girl was no where near as good as Arielle.

Harry made up his mind. He loved Arielle, and she deserved so much better. He wasn't going to pull her into this life style. Harry put his car back into drive and continued home.

Arielle was finishing setting the table when she heard the door being unlocked. She ran towards the door and jumped on Harry as soon as he opened it. She hugged him tightly while kissing his neck.

Instead of hugging her back, Harry stood there emotionless. Arielle pulled back and looked into his eyes, taking in that they were red and puffy, filled with sadness. 

"Harry what happened..?" She asked, taking a step back.

"I-I have to leave.." Harry muttered.

"Huh? No you just got back Harry what happened?!"

"I messed up Arielle. I can't do this to you. You deserve better than this. My new life style is getting to my head. You deserve someone who will always be there for you and never hurt you, because you're perfect." Tears formed in his eyes again as he spoke.

"What did I do? Or what did you do?" Arielle whispered.

"Arielle..I was drunk as fuck and I saw a girl who reminded me of you and I screwed up."

Harry studied her reaction. Arielle took a step back as a look of realization and hurt came across her face. That image stayed in his mind forever. He had broken her heart, and seeing that shattered his heart into a million pieces.

"Baby I'm not going to ask you to forgive me because I don't deserve it. I don't deserve you. I love you so much, Arielle. I always will. I fucked up so bad and I hate myself for it. Ill regret it for the rest of my life."

"Harry please don't leave me. This hurts me so bad but I need you no matter what..." Arielle whispered as a tear streamed down her face.

"Give it a week Arielle. One week away from each other. By tomorrow you'll probably hate me and never want to see me again. You're just confused now so you want me to stay. I love you forever Arielle." He used his thumb to wipe the tear off of her face, kissed her forehead, and left.

Harry was right. She hated him now. But she wasn't sure if it was because of what he had done or because he had left her after he did it. She knew he said it was because he cared for her and thought she deserved better, but maybe he just wanted to get away from her.

She had finally come to the decision that she didnt need him. She loved him so much, but she knew he wasn't good for her. And now he comes back, expecting to get what he wanted?! He was playing with her heart.

Meanwhile, Harry ran down the dark street, calling after his beautiful girl. He knew it was no use. He knew he didn't deserve her anymore. But his love for her made him persevere. This was all Harry's fault. He had played with her heart. He had gone too far this time. Harry drove the gorgeous girl who was the love of his life away from him.

Harry's thoughts were interrupted when he heard sobbing about thirty feet away from him. He peered through the darkness, squinting to make out what was ahead. He saw a heap on the floor- a body possibly?

Harry cautiously walked towards it until he was close enough to see it clearly. Arielle was lying on the ground sobbing, being drenched in rain. He ran forward as quickly as possible and knelt beside her.

"Sshh Arielle baby please oh my gosh what happened please tell me you're okay..."

"I'm f-fine." She choked on her tears.

"Baby let me take you home, you must be freezing." She nodded in agreement and Harry took her in his arms and lifted her up.

He carried her back through the dark alleyways, holding her tightly and trying to comfort her. This felt so right to him. He had missed holding her in his arms. He kissed her forehead delicately as he continued carrying her as if it were the easiest thing ever. Arielle smiled slightly, thinking about how strong he is. Both Arielle and Harry wanted to stay like this forever. 

A/N: There will be a part 3 :)

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