She's Not Afraid Part 2

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This is written in Zayn's P.O.V

"I knew there was no need for me to be afraid." She said with a smirk.

I went to wrap my arms around her, but she sat up and got off the bed before I could. I stared at her with a look of confusion. She ignored my look and began to get dressed.

"W-What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Um, leaving?" She said as if it were the most obvious thing ever.

"Why? You can stay here tonight.." I said trying not to sound too desperate.

But I was desperate. I wanted more than anything to have her wrapped in my arms tonight. I just wanted to be in her presense. I wanted to play with her hair and kiss her forehead as she drifted off to sleep comfortably in my arms. 

"Nah, that's alright." She shrugged and turned to leave.

"No wait please!" I didn't want her to leave me.

"What?!" She turned, exasperated.

"Stay." I repeated.

"Zayn, what do you want from me?!" She sighed.

"A relationship." I didn't mean to say it, it just kind of came out..I was thinking out loud.

"W-What?" She stuttered.

I thought for a moment..I already said it, so I shouldn't be a pussy. I'm going to be honest.

"Y/N...Call me crazy, but I think I love you." I said.

"Yep you're crazy." She began to back away.

"Wait y/n hear me out!" 

"What else?!" She sounded annoyed, which offended me but I kept my cool.

"Look, when I bumped into you the other night, there was just something about you that sent a spark through my body. I didn't even know your name, and you were all I thought about all day! Your gorgeous eyes, face, lips, hair, body, voice..and your personality especially. There was something different about you..It took me a while to figure it out. You weren't afraid of losing your chance with me. You didn't just jump on me like nearly every girl does, you made me have to wait. I just found that so intriuging. But y/n, you felt something too, right?" 

She thought for a moment.

"Ok, so, I did. I mean, yeah I wasn't afraid of losing my chance with you. Because I knew that if it were meant to be, I'd get a second chance. And I just figured, if I gave myself to you for just one night, what was the point? I'm looking for a relationship Zayn, and I don't want to get you into something you can't get out of."

"Please y/n I won't ever want to get out of it." I said, tears forming in my eyes.

"Ok I'll make you a deal. We go on one date, every day, for a week. No sex. Once we get to know each other, if you still want me, I'm yours." 

"DEAL!!" I yelled.

The sex part would be hard, because she's just so god damn sexy, but she's worth it. I'm going to make her mine.

A/N: the sex part will come in part 3..yeah im making it 3 parts lolll. part 3 will also be posted tonight hopefully ;)

Dirty One Direction Imagines/One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora