Mend Your Broken Heart - Part 2

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It's been seven months since I've last seen Harry, and life has never been this hard. To be honest, I've never needed Harry more than I do now. But I'll never tell him that. He still doesn't know, and if everything goes as planned, he will never know. 

You see, a few weeks after Harry left, something felt different. I'd been throwing up, eating more, had a lot of mood swings, and my clothes were getting tighter and tighter. I ignored it for a while, telling myself that it was probably nothing. Finally, it got to the point where I decided to get a pregnancy test.

When I saw that positive sign, I didn't know what emotion to feel. I just sort of stood there, frozen for a while. In a way, I was happy. I loved Harry- I still do! If I had to have a child, it'd be his child. But I also felt sad. I was sad that Harry will never know about his child and how much I love him. I mean, I really expected that he is just going to forget about me while he's on tour and never see me again. I considered telling him, but I didn't want to risk his carreer and I was worried that he'd tell me to get rid of it. So I firgured it was best to keep it to myself.

And now here I am, seven months pregnant and getting ready to go clubbing in order to get my mind off of things. I took a quick shower and then curled my hair into loose waves down my back. I applied a light amount of make up: mascara, foundation, and some shimmery lip gloss. Harry always liked me best natural.


Why do I still think about him for everything? I just can't seem to get him out of my mind!

I shook it off and went into my closet. I searched around a bit for something to wear until I found the perfect thing! I had bought a cute, simple dress just last week and it's the perfect thing to wear. I carefully slipped it on and began to zip it up. 

What the fuck? Why can't I get it to close? I just bought it last week! Fuck, I hate being pregnant! 

I took the dress off and began to have an emotional break-down. I threw on a shirt that used to be huge on me but now just barely covered my belly and some stretchy yoga pants.

"Fuck..." I said as I walked back into my room and slid down the wall. 

I began to sob. It wasn't that big of a deal, but it meant I couldn't go clubbing since I had nothing to wear. And that meant that I had to sit here and think about Harry instead.

"Why? Why me?" Tears were streaming down my face.

I noticed my phone lighting up across the room from some texts, but ignored it. 

"Fuck you Harry this is all your fault. I wish I never met you..." I said to myself, even though I knew that wasn't true.

I put my head down on my knees and wrapped my arms around my legs, sobbing. 

My phone lit up again.

"UGH WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS PERSON WANT!" I yelled as I pushed myself up from the ground to get my phone.

I grabbed the phone and laid down on my bed, clicking the home button to see who was texting me.  My heart nearly stopped.

3 text messages from Harry.

My hands were shaking as I unlocked my phone and went to my messages. 

"Hey sexy guess who's back from tour?! That's right babe, daddy's home;)"

"I'll be over in two minutes, get ready for a good hard fuck for my welcome home present."

"One minute, almost there. Little Harry is throbbing just from the thought of you(;" 

Dirty One Direction Imagines/One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz