Preference~ he cheats on you

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It was 4 pm when you finished your tutoring and were making your way do one of the many halls. You turned the corner your books floating in front of you when there were a yelp and Scott and Kurt came blundering towards you. They started rambling and ushering you back the way you came,
"guys enough! I need to drop these back and I'm exhausted" you shrugged past them. You ignored their protests and continued your walk eager to pull on your comfy clothes and sleep. 

There were a bump and a muffled sound from one of the empty classrooms that stopped you in your track. Your eyebrow raised and you looked over your shoulder back at the end of the hall where students trailed in and out of.  There was another sound like a stack of books had fallen. Curious you backtracked and opened the door.

An inhumane noise escaped your lips and the image in front of you made your heart drop to the floor. There squashed against the stacks of tables was your Warren locked in a heart-wrenching embrace with a fellow student. The sound of your fallen books caught his attention. Warren gasped untangling himself from the berry blue haired girl pushing her away with wide eyes.

your narrowed your eyes your hands curled into fists by your side, "sorry am I interrupting," you said with as venom you could muster.

"please love just hear me out"

That word. That cursed word spoken from his stupid lips. You couldnt look at him all you saw was him and red blurred your vision, " why the hell should hear you out!! Your tongue was down another girls throat"

You glared at him as a million thoughts raced through your mind but your heart was just smeared on the floor beneath your eyes.  You turned on your heal storming out viciously knocking past Kurt who tried to approach you with guilt in his eyes. He knew. He knew that a girl had her hands down your boyfriends pants. 

You vaguely could hear Warrens pleads and him tugging at your arm but you couldnt look at him. You slammed your door in his face and allowed the tears to fall, "you don't get to call me love anymore"

Warren Worthington iii x reader imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now