A Look In The Life

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Shelly dove into the bushes, wincing as the brittle grass scratched her face. She shook her gun quietly to get a bit of dead grass off the end.

It was a warm day in the Skull Creek Showdown arena; even though the sun shone happily and the wispy clouds danced in the breeze, the mood was dark. Shelly was the third to last person alive, next to Piper and Frank. She was injured from her encounter with Rosa, and hid in the bushes to collect herself. She knew she wouldn't be able to hide much longer though, according to the heavy footsteps of Frank coming her way. Shelly shot a foot out of the bushes as fast as she could to wipe away her footprints, which Frank was most definitely following. She pulled back quickly and held her breath just as Frank turned the corner.

Frank stopped just outside Shelly's hiding spot.

"Here. Where?" He spoke in his simple way. It translated to "You are here, but where?"

Shelly wiped a stray strand of purple hair out of her face while she waited for him to pass. Unfortunately, as something always has to go wrong, the dry grass rustled from her movement. A split second later, a shock wave crashed down on Shelly's head.

"Shit!" Shelly exclaimed before she rolled out of the bushes to the side of Frank. It was a cool kind of ninja-ish roll that Shelly had spent hours mastering. She praised herself mentally and stood up.

Shelly made a mad sprint for cover, though she wasn't fast enough. Frank, as one of the quicker brawlers, caught up. He raised his hammer and made to finish her. Out of desperation, she blindly fired her Super, which was thankfully ready at the time, knocking Frank back a ways.

She continued the dash and dove into another clump of bushes out of sight. She was astounded to run into Piper, who was doing her makeup, in the middle of a match. Shelly rolled her eyes before lifting her gun to Piper's head.

Piper froze and looked at her sidelong. "Not now. Go away." She said stiffly in her vague French accent.

"No. By the way, you ought to save that for outside matches." Shelly replied.

"I did before this match, idiot, but that wretched El Primo decided to ruin it with his punching." Piper closed her hand mirror casually as though she was not at gun point.

Thats when Shelly noticed Piper's black eye.

"Uh," She remarked. "Mind if I..."

"I don't care. Au revoir." Piper closed her eyes as Shelly shot her in the head.

"I kinda feel bad, but then I don't." She said to herself and reloaded.

Shelly spun to go get Frank, now that she wasn't being chased. She nearly fainted when he was right the fuck there.

She closed her eyes and the hammer came down and crushed her to bits.


A couple hours later, at Barley's Bar, the brawlers sat around congratulating each other on their performances in the match, Shelly and Frank getting the most praise, as they were the last ones standing. Mortis sat alone in the corner, hot with shame, since he had died first.

Colt came up to Shelly and sat down beside her at the table.

"Good job!" He clapped her on the back. She smiled sheepishly. "Um, thanks."

"Let's celebrate! Barley, we need some whisky over here!" He waved Barley down.

"Oh, please noooo. I've already had two glasses." Shelly groaned in protest.

"Aw come on, what's a little drunk?" Colt grinned.

Shelly just blinked at him and accepted a glass from Barley. "On three." She said, lifting it to clink Colt's.

"One, two, three!" They downed their drinks in unison.

"Oh, ugh." Shelly got dizzy. "Damn, that was a mistake..." She was a bit nauseous.

"Ahahaha sucker." Colt pat her back and she nearly threw up. "Go 'way." She pushed him lightly, though it made the room spin. Her eyelids drooped and she passed out.

"Welp, good night I guess." He shrugged and carried on with the celebration.


Shelly woke up the next morning, at 5 fucking pm.. She rolled over off the booth she lay in and hit the floor. Ewwww. She thought when she nearly touched a puddle of puke. Wonder which of us that came from. She stood up, combed her hair with her fingers, and straightened her shirt. Alright, so never, ever, ever get drunk ever again. She made a mental promise to herself.

"Anybody else awake at this unGodly hour?" She whispered loudly into the shadowy Bar.

"Me." Came a gruff reply from a couple booths over.

Shelly jumped. "Oh, hey Bull. Good morning." She said in his direction.

Bull materialized in front of her. "Hey." He said and went past to the bar. He sat and quietly ordered tea. Wait, he drinks tea?? She would never have been able to picture that.

Barley appeared a moment later with a glass of tea; he was a robot and didn't sleep, so you could order anything at any hour.

Shelly claimed the stool beside Bull and asked for ginger ale. It wasn't her favorite drink, but her stomach was a bit upset from last night. Barley passed it to her and she took a sip. "Oh jeez, it's too sweet." Shelly put the glass down and made a face. Sugar most certainly did not help nausea. Bull chuckled and took a drink.

Just then, Tara slinked up out of the dark and scared the living shit out of Shelly. The mysterious woman sat beside her and ordered tea in an almost inaudible voice. Bull nodded his approval.

Tara sipped lightly, her one visible eye glowing softly in the dim. It was silent in a dead kind of way. After a moment, Shelly coughed and turned to Tara. "Uh, good morning. How are you?" She tried. Tara squinted at her, as though surprised this mere mortal was trying to make conversation.

"I am fine." Was all she said.

"Uh, alright then." Shelly stood up and made to leave. Halfway to the Bar entrance, she was intercepted by Piper. Piper glared at her for a moment, obviously still peeved about yesterday. "Pardon." Piper said and moved around her. Shelly rolled her eyes and left the Bar.

She strolled home along the single dirt road in Brawl Town. Her house was a small cream box with three rooms, a bathroom, and a moderately large living room and kitchen. It was decorated in cool colors, like silver, pale blue, and gray. A bit dull, but it was fine. It sat quietly near the end of the road; her backyard was the wild west desert scrub that surrounded Brawl Town.

"Home sweet home." Shelly muttered and opened the door. She trudged down the narrow hallway, turned the corner into her room, and flopped down on the bed. Though she'd just slept, it had been fitful. Finally, some proper sleep.

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