New Girl

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That night, Shelly didn't sleep. Not a wink. After she'd returned Rico's arm to him, and he'd thanked her for advice and promised not to kidnap any more people, Shelly had raced on home, went in her bedroom, and locked the door.

Attempting sleep, failing, and staying up all night long, Shelly now sat on the edge of the bed at 5 in the morning. All she could think about were those small boxes and Colt. Just friends, just friends, just friends. The words she thought were true were suddenly not, and she kind of felt like her world had flipped, like she'd entered an alternate universe.

"You have to go talk to him." Shelly said to herself. Though you really don't want to. How do you even feel about him? The voice in her head inquired. To be completely honest with you, I had a crush on him back when we were first friends, Shelly's thought train paused as she recalled when she and Colt had first met, But then as we got closer, and he showed no sign of deeper feelings as well, I left the girly feelings in the dust and assumed my role as his best friend. Shelly told the voice hesitantly. She had trouble admitting these long forgotten things.

Ah, I see. Well then, conjure up those old feelings for his sake.

Uh, I guess I could try. Though it won't be real.

...You don't feel for him at all?

I... I'd die for him, have, actually, kill for him, lose everything for him... is that love? I don't really know.

Shelly was having very confusing feelings. Nothing was falling into place like life once did.

Go talk to himmm. Don't think about it. Just walk up, say "Hi I love you too let's date" and move on with life. The voice urged.

Shelly vigorously shook her head. I will talk to him, not fucking say "let's date" oh my gosh.

Good, good.


It was noon, and Shelly was sitting silently with her head resting on her arms at her usually spot at the Bar. The regulars were here; Bull, Tara, Rosa, Carl, Rico, and Piper. Some brawlers who were not normally here were too; Mortis, Leon, Nita, and Gene.

Shelly had come hoping to speak with Colt, but he was a no show. So she just watched Rico and Piper. Rico was gazing at Piper as though she were made of stars, and Piper was... ignoring his existence as usual. Poor guy. Shelly thought, kind of hoping to see any sign of feeling on Piper's bored face. There was none for a long time, until the instance where Piper glanced around, saw Rico staring, and the ghost of a smile graced her face.

Oh! Shelly raised her head slightly to better observe this. Hopefully there was something going on here, 'cause it'd be adorable as hell.

Then Piper turned away and her face darkened again.

Ouch. A long while more passed and nothing happened.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared in the Bar entrance and almost everyone looked up to see who it was. Silence fell. It was a stranger, a raven haired, purple jacket, spunky ass lookin' stranger.

What the fu-

Bull jumped up from his chair with a massive grin on his face, walked up to the new girl, and embraced her. "Been a while, Bibi."

Hold up. Everyone present was gawking.

"Ah, indeed it has, brother." The strang- Bibi hugged him back, but didn't look too happy about it. Not a hugger, okay. She held in her hand a metal baseball bat that if she were a brawler, it'd probably be her attack.

Wait, Bull has a sister? Surprise surprise. He certainly doesn't talk about his family.

Everyone else was still staring, up until Piper stood and cleared her throat. "Welcome to Brawl Town, nouvel ami." That broke the ice and all at once the space was full of hellos and welcomes being called to Bibi.

After everything died down, Bull addressed them all. "This is Bibi, my sister. She's mean and spicy, so don't mess with her. She plays baseball, and is one of the best, and she'll cave in your head without a second thought. She is a brawler, believe it or not, just didn't want that life." He said, an arm around his sister.

A brawler was a species, not exactly human. They are far stronger than humans, though mostly appear that way. They have powers (Super) and usually a weapon to focus the power, with the exception of Nita.

A few people chuckled, but most realized he wasn't kidding.

"How many more brawlers are out there?" Carl voiced his thoughts, as well as many other people's.

"Oh, there are way more brawlers out there that don't know this place exists." Bull responded, then lead Bibi to the bar where they sat down and exchanged words. Everyone went back to normal hesitantly, not as shook as most would think since Rosa had joined them not too recently as well.

Shelly stared at Bibi. Accessing her threat level, strength, speed. Threat was high, according to her venomous glare. Strength? Well she swung a metal bat like a pro, so very high as well. Speed? Undetermined.

Now the real question is does she plan on staying or is it just a visit? Hopefully just a visit. Not looking forward to facing her in Showdown. Shelly worried, but eventually those thoughts faded and cycled back to Colt.

He probably won't come out of his house for a week, my gosh.


Two days later, Shelly still had seen nothing of Colt. Though she now had something bigger to worry about. Bibi was here to stay, and Shelly knew they'd be rivals. She acts wild and dangerous, therefore she is. She will do bad things, I'm sure of it.

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