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Nearly two hours later, Shelly's phone vibrated in her pocket. Breathing heavily, she hooked her gun back on her belt and looked to see who texted.

heyo! sorry i was takin so long, i got second
place whoop whoop. about the talk... cya at mah

Shelly squinted at the phone, trying to see the screen in the bright sun. Even with the brightness all the way up, it was like trying to look through a tinted window.

um sure ig and grats on second my dude. be
right over

With that, Shelly headed down to Colt's, thinking back to her practice. Seven bullseyes, I do believe. Which means... seven cones of icecream! Well done, me.

Upon arrival, Colt stepped out onto the porch before she even touched the doorknob. "Come on, come on!" He urged her inside. He was very twitchy, and avoided her eyes.

"Uh, Colt? Relax, would you? It's just a talk." Shelly sat down beside him on the sofa.

"Yes yes, just a talk, just a talk." He ran his shaking fingers through his hair and blinked rapidly.

"Anyway," Shelly started, "I want to discuss all this, um, drama. You know, all the feelings suddenly popping up here and there. I'd like to take my leave from it, though I'm not entirely sure how. I'd like you out of it too." Shelly began, jumping right to the point.

Colt's face was nearly unreadable, to most people, at least. Though Shelly was surprised to catch what appeared to be disappointment in the slight furrowing of his brows. "Drama, yeah. I would rather not be in danger or whatever." Colt seemed to barely be following this.

Or whatever?

Shelly paused for a moment, giving her next decision barely half a thought, and slapped Colt. "Wake up, for fucks sake! I'm trying to have an important conversation."

"H-hey! Unnecessary!" Colt's eyes cleared visibly and his face became more expressive.

"Listening now? Good. Now, what shall we do about this?" Shelly crossed her arms.

"Uh, well I guess I could withdraw from everyone involved, like, avoid them for a week." Colt thought this up as he went.

"And how do you presume you'll do that?"


"I thought so. Now before I take action on your behalf, how do you feel about Piper?" Shelly choked on that name, for some reason.

"Nothing. I don't like her at all." Colt sounded more sure of himself, and he spoke this particular sentence with power, looking sidelong at Shelly.

"Uh, alright then. I've got a plan for the Rico problem."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yep, just wait 'till tomorrow."


At 10:00 the next day, Shelly sat still in the Bar, watching, waiting. Any second now...

At that exact moment, Rico burst into the bar. "WHO," He seethed, "DID THIS." One of his arms was missing, his gun arm. On that shoulder was painted in neat little red letters "Don't touch Colt, fucktard. Or I will steal your other arm."

Shelly ducked her head so Rico wouldn't see her laughing, or Colt, who was beside her. "This is the best," He tried to say around his silent laughter, "b-best prank I've ever," Colt choked, "seen!"

For you, my dude.

Shelly had snuck around the back of the Bar last night, where Rico slept and/or recharged himself on gasoline. While he slept, well, not really sleeping since he was indeed a robot, more like powered off, Shelly had pried his arm out of the socket and painted that little message. Beside his head for him to see upon awakening was a bonus message "Si descubres quién escribió esto, te diré dónde está tu brazo. ¡Buena suerte! PD. Toca a Colt y derretiré este pedazo de mierda."

(In English: "If you find out who wrote this, I'll tell you where your arm is. Good luck! P.S. Touch Colt and I'll melt this piece of shit."

Shelly was fluent in Spanish, but Rico was not. She was going to have a good time watching him try to figure out what it said.

Back in the present, Rico was scanning each and every face of all the brawlers present. He skimmed over most of them until he got to Colt and Shelly, since Colt was who the threat was about. "You." He marched up, made to grab Colt by the collar of his flannel, but thought better of it, perhaps considering the warning. Or maybe it was because he only had one arm at the moment.

Shelly tsked all the while, just waiting for Rico's slip up. If he even just brushed Colt's arm or something, it'd be enough.

"Who did this?" The robot asked Colt, his voice strained. Unlike Barley's, his voice was capable of holding emotion and changing pitch.

"Dunno." Was all he said in reply, taking a sip from his glass to show he was done.

"You do know, son of a bitch. Tell me!" Rico braced his hand on the table with metallic clicks for each finger, his stance asking for war. Shelly leaned forward and stroked her gun.

"Ooh, look who's here, you stupid shit." Colt pointed behind Rico. Rico turned, stopped, sucked in a breath, and stood stock still.

Piper was glaring at him with a raised eyebrow. "Heard it all." She said simply, folding her arms.

"Well, you s-see they t-took my a-arm, o-okay?" Rico looked like he was about to fall to his knees.

"Don't you "okay" me! Harming one another outside matches is against the law, and you know it."


"Save it."

Rico looked so miserable it almost made Shelly feel sorry for him, but not quite. He trudged out the Bar all droopy-like and vanished down the road.


They held small chat late into the afternoon; the time passed so quickly. It was pointless rambling, nothing important, but what was significant about it was how Colt looked so disinterested in Piper and seemed to try his best to act like it, too. Even before all this crap, Colt acted more freely with Piper.


The next morning was the shock of Shelly's life. A small, blue heart-shaped box on her front steps with the letter I on the side.

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