Surprise Schedule Change

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Shelly arranged to meet at 3:00 the next day. Colt agreed, and they both sat around until then, Shelly impatient and fidgety. What she'd wanted to talk about was all this drama. Getting rid of it, mostly. It was ruining her and Colt's friendship, it seemed.

Shelly sprawled on the couch, bored out of her mind. She glanced around for something to do, as she'd been doing repeatedly for the last two hours. When there was nothing, as usual, she pulled out her phone yet again and checked her notifications for something, anything.

All she got was a screen time popup.

We'd like you to know you've been on your phone
for three hours today. ⌛️

"Oh shut up," She grumbled and put her phone back in her pocket.

"Hello boredom my old friend..." Shelly started, but just then, the speakers over Town Hall blared, Special Announcement! The event times are changing. Before, events were once a month. Now, they are once a week! Gear up, there's one now! Solo Showdown, Cavern Churn.

What?! They've been once a month from the beginning of time! Why suddenly once a week, and such short notice? Shelly scrambled up and took her gun off the side table. Another part of her brain was whispering Oh good, Cavern Churn. We are boss on that map. She nodded at that strange voice, the one who always had dark thoughts and opinions. It usually booed and hissed at everything she did, but this time, they agreed.

Shelly raced down the street, loading her gun on the way. She was still a bit dazed at the sudden change in how life worked here, but was too excited for something to do that she just accepted it.

At Town Hall, every brawler was already gathered, all looking a bit bewildered too, well, all except Tara, since she was the queen of the resting bitch face.


Shelly darted from bush to bush, trying to lose Jessie, who was tracking her. The little girl had gotten Shelly on accident, when she'd shot Poco, who was close by Shelly without her realizing it, and the bolt bounced toward her. Now that Jessie had injured her, and big, smoking spot on Shelly's left shoulder, she'd given up Poco and came for Shelly.

"Arghhhhh..." Shelly hissed and dove into yet another bush; her shoulder felt like someone was holding it down in lava or something. Well at least it isn't my gun arm. She thought, trying to be enthusiastic.

You can relieve some of the pain by cooling your shoulder down. The voice piped up. Oh yeah? How am I supposed to do that? Does I look like I've got water? Shelly replied. Saliva, you stupid shit.

Shelly winced. No need for mean names... She licked her palm and placed it gingerly on her left shoulder. It cooled a bit, temporary relief. She hadn't realized it had still been smoking.

Just then, outside the bush, Jessie's laser gun thingie could be heard clicking and rattling lightly. "Shelly, where are you? I've got a secret." She spoke sing-song and drew out the vowels in a menacing/taunting way.

Shelly nearly, almost, got this fucking close to replying "What is it?" But her small shred of IQ said don't. Just don't.

Jessie poked around in other bushes nearby, according to the rustling. When she found nothing, she moved on to Shelly's bush. Fuck. The laser gun brushed her arm, and Jessie was on her in a flash. But unfortunately for Jessie, Shelly was the goddess of bushes, and also an adult. She pinned down the little girl and clamped a hand over her mouth before she could whistle for Scrappy, which she was most definitely about to do.

"I don't really want to kill you, squirt, 'cause you're Colt's sister, but I will if you don't buzz off." Shelly said as darkly as she could.

Jessie vigorously nodded her head, eyes wide. Shelly glared and let her up. "Be off." She shoved Jessie away, watching her retreat slowly. Curiously though, the girl stopped a short-ish long distance away, and raised her gun. Before Shelly could dodge or something, Jessie fired and got her in the leg.

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