Bonus Event Pt. 2

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Mortis stepped forward, lifting his unnecessarily sharp shovel. "Make it quick." Was all Shelly said. There was nothing she could do, so whatever.

"Oh no, this will not be quick." Mortis glared down at her. "You were the one that killed me last Showdown. You're the reason I died first." He hissed.

"I did? Oh yeah, that was me, wasn't it." Shelly said thoughtfully "Well, sorry not sorry. Do as you like with me." Shelly's face suddenly cracked into a grin. Mortis and Crow gave her a confused look, but they didn't have time to ask before Leon, who'd crept up behind them, slit their throats.

"Thanks, kid." She said and laid her head back.

"No problem. Colt sent for me." The teen replied and proceeded to stand guard.

About twenty minutes later of inactivity, poison clouds drifted over to their hiding spot. "Time to relocate." Shelly attempted to stand, her ribs making little clicking sounds. Definitely broken. Goddamnit. The skin over the fractures was purple and puffy.

Leon lead the way to another hidden spot where Shelly could sit. He moved to stand guard again. That was when Shelly noticed Leon's hand. On his right hand, three fingers were bent oddly and from his thumb jutted a small white sliver of bone.
"Holy fudge kid, are you alright?" Shelly pointed to his wound.

"Of course. I had a run-in with Bull, is all. Got messy." The kid said, tucking his hand in his pocket.

"Alright, if you say so." Shelly could tell he was definitely in pain, for he bit his lip and inhaled sharply. She shrugged and left him be, though.

Well, can you blame him? Three broken fingers and a brutalized thumb. She made a reminder to lecture Bull about hurting children later.

Just then, Rosa ran by. Leon reached out to throw his weaponized fidget spinners at her, but she must have seen them out of the corner of her eye and turned. She enabled her Super not a second before Leon's spinners hit her.

"Nice try, kid." She lashed out and got him across the jaw.

"Damnit, run Leon!" Shelly said, her hand shooting toward her gun. He shook his head dizzily, probably seeing stars, but stayed  and attempted to throw more fidget spinners.

Fucking kids theses days, so stubborn. She raised her gun and leaned over, shooting Rosa in the foot.

"OW, FUCK." Rosa hopped around on one foot.

"I'm sorry." Shelly said as Leon finished her off.

There was a moment of quiet before Shelly got to her feet. "Obviously, you do better without me." She said to Leon and proceeded to limp off into the bushes and die.

"Okay." Was all Leon said.

A moment later, Leon came up to her side and followed her. "Ahem, you must've missed the hidden message 'I'm going solo.'"She coughed.

The kid just shrugged.

"Whatever." She muttered and together they made their way to the center of the map. In the absolute dead center of the Island, Shelly sat down in the dirt.

"From here, we can see any enemies approaching." She explained.

"Yeah." Leon threw a barrage of fidget spinners into every bush surrounding the center, probing for hidden Brawlers.

They were startled to discover Nita crouching in one bush. She came out with a spinner embedded in her arm.

Ow, dangit." She winced.

The look on Leon's face was priceless. He rushed over to his girlfriend cooing "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry..." Nita hissed and pulled the blade out of her upper arm with a wet sluck. "It's  alright, you didn't know who you'd find." She said and pressed her other hand to the wound. Blood pooled through her fingers, running down her arm.

Leon looked so anguished it almost made Shelly feel bad, but then again, Nita was the one who put ants in her pillow case, dog poop in her shoes, and all different kinds of nasty pranks.

"I think she'll be okay." Shelly called over to them.

Leon shot her a glare before returning to his princess. Shelly rolled her eyes. "Kids these days."

"I know, right?" Colt was suddenly at her side. "Oh my go-" She placed a hand on her heart and sighed. "Do you want to give me a heart attack?"

"Sorry." Colt shrugged. He extended a hand to help her to her feet.

"So, who's your partner?" Shelly asked.

"Nita, so I guess we can team."

"True. Hey kids, we're teaming!" She yelled at the teens.

They walked over, Leon having donated a sleeve of his sweatshirt to wrap around Nita's wound. He looked a bit odd now, having only one sleeve, but he didn't seem to care.

"Hello." Shelly said tightly to Nita, her nemesis.

"Hi!" The little bear child said brightly, but she had murder in her eyes.

"Heh..." Shelly gulped.

It was then that Piper flew over from behind one of the terra cota walls. She landed smack into Colt. He shoved her off and she sat up, wide-eyed. "Gene, he nearly got me." She pointed in the direction she'd come.

"Too bad for you." Leon reached over to kill her, but she raised a hand for peace.

"Could you please not? You've already killed my teammate Rosa." Piper said.

Leon looked indecisive, but sat back eventually.

"Uh, why should we let you live?" Colt asked.

"I don't know, I'd just prefer not to die right now." The blond woman stood up and dusted off her turquoise blue dress. "If you'd excuse me, I'll be on my way." She literally just walked away right then.

"Can somebody please tell me why we let her live." Colt watched her go.

"Rare shred of mercy? I dunno." Shelly shrugged. "She'll be killed by someone else in no time, since she's a long range brawler, alone in the bushes."

"True." The other three chorused.

"Now, who all is left?" Nita asked.

Colt stepped up. "Frank and Brock, Piper, us, Gene and Jessie, Tara, and Barley." He prattled off, seeming to have kept track.

"Um, okay then." Shelly glanced around, experiencing that strange sense of being watched. She was surprised to see Tara creeping towards them from the side.

Before she could warn anybody, Tara had a card poised over Leon's throat.

"Don't move."

Slowly (A Brawl Stars Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu