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Eventually, there was an extra large crash of thunder.

Shelly flinched, and Colt looked over at her. "Come out here with me," He said, pointing out onto the road.

Colt began to lead her farther out in the road, but she pulled against his arm.

"Wait, why do we have to go?"

"The lightning." Colt replied, pointing to the roof of the Bar, which was quite tall and definitely metal plated.

"Oh, that makes sense." Shelly pried Colt hand off and walked by his side to the middle of the road, which was a mess of mud and brown puddles. They were rained on for a while, the two of them simply standing and enjoying the moment.

In no time, though, the moment was over. The storm moved on, and Shelly's excitement with it. Now it was back to a normal day, nothing to do, nothing to enjoy.

"Hey, have you ever considered leaving Brawl Town?" Shelly asked Colt out of the blue.

"Uh, no. Have you?"

"Absolutely. I crave adventure, not being stuck here in this dinky place. Sure, it's nice. You know everyone, they know you, you all get along, mostly, but it does get old."

"Will you ever leave?" Colt asked tentatively.

"Hmm, perhaps one day." Shelly turned to watch the storm clouds drift away and disappear slowly over the horizon.

"Okay then, I'mma come with you if you ever do."

"Eh, why?" Shelly looked up at him. Unfortunately, he was a bit taller than her, which honestly made her want to punch him. Just a little bit. Heh.

"'Cause you're my girlfriend now, remember?" Colt said like it was nothing.

"Oh yeah, that's true. I suppose you could come with me if I leave." Shelly returned the casualness with casualness.

"Okay, cool," Colt grinned mischievously, "Babe."

Shelly hissed. "Don't make me hit you!"


The next few days flew by rather quickly, and before they knew it, it was again Showdown Sunday.

Shelly sat on the couch beside Colt, both of them fully dressed and ready for the announcement. They were mostly just scrolling through Instagram, Shelly watching a bunch of cute cat videos, and Colt watching trick shots and stuff. About half an hour later of waiting, Shelly looked over at Colt.

"What time does Showdown start?" She asked. "I never bothered to check when they announce."

"I dunno, I don't check either. Would be a good idea though, I guess." Colt replied, glancing at the wall clock.

"You don't s-"

Attention, brawlers! It's Showdown Sunday! Solo Showdown, Passage. Hurry to Town Hall.

"Vamonos!" Shelly jumped up with Colt a split second behind and they raced down to Town Hall.

They were among the first there, since they had actually been ready to go beforehand.

They waited to the side as the other brawlers arrived one by one, and when Tick came, Colt glared at him.

The robot looked at him curiously, innocently. Shelly realized he must've been given a personality drive and didn't remember the test runs.

"Stop glaring at him, jeez. He's a different brawler now." Shelly whispered out of the side of her mouth.

"He blew up my fucking house." Colt whispered back.

"Blame your mother!" Shelly retorted.

"Who's side are you on?" Colt said jokingly, and Shelly elbowed him.

Just then, Piper walked up with Rico in tow. "Look who I hooked up with!" She said cheerily, pushing Rico forward.

Rico rolled his eye fondly.

"Haha, good for you two," Shelly chuckled, then pushed Colt forward as well, "This is who I got."

"Oh, nice." Piper smiled at Shelly.

And then two more people joined them. Bull and Bibi came up to the group. They were both stone-faced, like they often were.

"'Sup." Shelly said to Bibi.

Bibi cracked a smile. "Hi. Are your wrists okay, by the way?"

"Yeah, I'm good." Shelly replied.

Colt gave Bibi a hard look. "What about wrists?"

"Oh, hah, you weren't there, were you? Shelly stopped me from killing Piper," Bibi shot Piper an apologetic look. "At the cost of her wrists."

"I'm good, though." Shelly said quickly before Colt could ask about her health. He scowled but left it alone.

There was an awkward moment of silence before Rico decided to break it by pointing out that the match would be starting soon.

The six of them made their way to the platform and in no time were spawned into the Passage arena.

Shelly immediately dove into the nearest bush to watch and wait for victims, since it was only natural for a short-ranged brawler such as herself.

She crouched down and began to breathe shallowly so that no one would hear her and be notified of her presence.


A while later, the first brawler ran and took a flying leap into the bush they thought was safe, but lucky for them, they kneed Shelly in the face so they weren't killed right away.

That brawler was none other than Nita, looking for sanctuary against El Primo.

Shelly groaned and pinched her nose, which was bleeding. "Damnit Nita," Shelly shook her head.

"Hehe, sorry." The teen grinned maliciously, but that expression was short lived as El Primo came thundering into the bush, hunting for Nita.

Nita shrieked and fled, the wrestler in pursuit.

Miraculously, Shelly suffered nothing more than a bloody nose from that ordeal, since El Primo could have easily killed her in her current state.


Nobody else came Shelly's way, and the poison was about to overwhelm her hiding spot. May as well relocate, then. She heaved herself onto her feet, put a firm hand over her nose to prevent any blood trails (she was letting it bleed freely beforehand), and crept across the map slowly, keeping low, to avoid catching anyone's eye.

She made it safely to another bush farther up the map, shooting into it before actually entering to make sure there was no one waiting to ambush her.

She sat down in the cool, tall grass, enjoying the quiet. She really hoped nobody would disturb her now, since her arm was weak and in pain, and the strong scent of blood in her nose was disorienting and made her nauseous, too.

Just a little longer. Thats all. She told herself, anticipating the end of this match.

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