Bonus Event Pt. 3

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Leon gulped, looking at Shelly for help. There was nothing she could do though, since Tara could kill him any second now.

"Drop your weapons." Tara hissed at them.

Shelly set her gun on the ground, deciding not to drop it, since it'd probably fire and take somebody's foot off.

Colt screwed his face and put his revolvers down, upset to have lost them. They meant a lot more than protection to him.

Tara looked over at Nita, expecting her to forfeit a weapon or something. "I got nothing." Nita said through gritted teeth, face screwed in a furious scowl.

"Oh right..." Tara's eye narrowed as she realized she couldn't disarm Nita.

"Well then, I'll kill three of you and be on my way." The creepy lady said.

"Why only three?" Shelly voiced everybody's thoughts.

"I only have a grudge with three of you, of course. You, you, and you." Tara pointed to Shelly, Colt, and Leon. "This idiot killed me last Showdown," She pointed to Colt, "This idiot killed my teammate earlier," She pointed at Leon this time, "And you, you just annoy me." She pointed at Shelly last.

Shelly snorted. "That's not even a good reason to hold a grudge!"

Colt was chuckling quietly. "'You just annoy me' HAHA."

"Oh, hush up." Shelly pushed him and gestured to captive Leon. "Keep your head in the game."

All the while this was happening, Nita was spitting her fury off to the side, shooting glares at Tara and concerned looks at Leon. It was then that Shelly noticed Nita's hand inching slowly to her hip, to the powerball. Well, that's what everybody else called it, since it was just a ball of energy that hung at her side. From that energy sprung her bear whenever she called upon him.

R.i.p. Tara. Shelly thought as Nita pulled it off her hip and flung it to the ground in a single movement so fast it was hard to see. Bruce the bear roared and charged Tara, who yelped and fled. The area was shrouded in dust and smoke, a combo of the bear's fanciful entrance and the stamping of feet.

When the air cleared, three of the four brawlers looked around to access the situation.

Nita let out a strange garbled cry, and Shelly spun to see what was the problem. It was Leon, laying in a puddle of blood. It seemed as though in Tara's getaway, she'd decided to take out at least one of her enemies. He wasn't dead yet, but here any second now...

"I'll see you after," Leon rasped to Nita before disintegrating. Nita sniffed and stood up. "Right, after." She echoed.

"Okay, well, why don't we all just stand in a defensive squar- I mean triangle," Shelly corrected herself when Nita hissed, "And keep watch for enemies like that." She bent to pick up her shotgun, ribs clicking awfully.

"Sounds okay with me." Colt fetched his revolvers and stood back to back with Shelly, facing outward. Nita joined them with Bruce, and they stood like that for about 5 minutes before Frank came thudding across the clearing. Ya couldn't be any quieter?
He saw them and made to squish them all. He took his time, of course, since this was Frank they were talking about. Shelly took advantage of the short delay and fired at his face. He disintegrated instantly, Shelly apparently having gotten him in the eye. Ew.

The next attack was ten minutes later; Barley lobbing potent liquid at them. Colt and Nita managed to corner him and finish him off, though not before he said 'Your drinks would be five dollars extra tonight.'

After that, the attacks became more frequent since the poison was closing in.

Jessie charged them, firing little orbs of energy and electrocuting her brother, Colt, many times. She managed to kill Nita's bear before Colt shot her in the head and stomped back to the group, his once perfect hair now an afro. "Don't." He growled before anybody could comment.

"Wasn't going to say anything." Shelly snickered, even though she was.

The next attack happened 3 minutes later. It was Brock. He shot with near-perfect accuracy and got Nita in the gut, Colt in the arm, and Shelly in the foot. Nita disintegrated immediately, but Shelly and Colt were still alive, one missing a foot and the other with a broken arm.

Shelly looked down, and fainted right there. It was too much.


About 30 seconds later, Shelly woke up. The world was kind of muffled, like she was underwater. There was Colt standing over her, clutching his ruined arm and yelling at her. She wasn't much of a lip reader, but he was obviously saying "GET UP!"

Shelly stood up on one foot, feeling quite ill. Thanks to shock, she couldn't feel the gruesome wound. Brock was gone, dead, according to the small pile of ashes a couple yards away. Colt was alright, ish, and there was a figure coming their way. Piper?

The blonde skid to a halt beside them and said something inaudible to Colt. He nodded and pointed his revolvers at the bushes to the left.

Shelly was still confused on what was happening and tried to clear her ears. A bit of the world tuned back in, and Shelly heard Gene's maniacal laughter nearby. Oh boy.

Before Shelly or Colt or Piper could do anything, Shelly was grabbed by Gene's incredibly creepy phantom hand. She was dragged through a fucking wall and right to his feet. He killed her swiftly and suddenly.


Shelly respawned in the Town Hall along with everybody else that was defeated.

"Oh hallelujah..." Shelly clasped her new foot that she'd been missing a couple seconds ago. "I missed you, foot."

She got a couple odd looks but saw many others brawlers sighing in relief and tracing their arms, legs, and mostly hands. Speaking of hand injuries... Shelly spotted Leon in the back of the crowd, cradling his right hand as though he could still feel the mutilation. Nita stood beside him, conversing quietly.

She walked up to them. "Lovely work out there." Shelly remarked.

"Thanks." They said in unison.

About 5 minutes later, Shelly threw up her hands in exasperation.
"Colt is taking an awfully long time to die." She complained.

Almost comically, Colt appeared on the respawn platform, clutching his arm.

"Oh hey. How'd it go?" Shelly walked up.

Colt was looking a bit dazed. He didn't answer her.

"Uh, Colt?" She waved a hand in his face. "EARTH TO COLT."

"Huh? Oh yeah, sorry." He snapped out of it and stepped off the platform.

"What's the matter?"

"Erm, heh, well, it's about Piper."


"Eh, well, while we were fighting the last of them, she kinda got, like, thrown into me? And we, uh, came face to face. And then she said she has feelings for me. So, uhm, I don't know what to do right now."

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