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"Really?" Shelly glanced at him skeptically.

"Yeah, why not? I'm bored of this place too." Colt nodded.

"Hmm. It just doesn't seem possible after being here for ages and ages." She sighed.

"True, but it's something to think about."

Shelly let that hang in the air, the sentence echoing around in her mind.

They stood for at least ten minutes in silence.

"I wanna go to the coast." Shelly said after a bit. Her voice carried far in the still.

"As do I, though I'd rather go to a big city. Like the fabled New York."

"The more people, the more compliments you get about that hair you put so much time and effort into." She teased.

"Why, yes of course, my dear." He laughed quietly.

"Hmph. Well, my hair color is one that only "thugs" or "low-life teens" have or something ridiculous like that. I mean, I can't help it. I was born like this." Shelly flipped her magenta ponytail.

"Nah, its perfectly alright. Beautiful, one can say."

Shelly screwed her face to keep from smiling like an idiot.

Colt sighed and put an arm around her. "So, what do you wanna do today?"

"I don't know, play video games? Go to the Bar? Order a new coffee table? Choices, choices."

"Hah, I already ordered you a new one." Colt beamed.

"Is that so? What's it look like? And thank you." She couldn't help smiling this time.

"Its a light colored wood, birch I think. It matched your house so I figured I may as well."

"Oh, nice."

The air was getting stiff and hot as the rest of the sun came over the horizon. Shelly scowled, the light forcing her eyes shut.

Colt, too, was hooding his eyes in with an irritated expression.

"What if I wore my bandanna around my forehead instead of neck today?" She said, twisting away from Colt and stepping into the slightly cooler house.

"It'd make you look a bit tougher than you already do, in my opinion." He followed.

"Ooh, really? Then I suppose I will." Shelly undid the knot on her bandanna and lifted it to her head. She tied it back there. It felt much different, but in a good way. Her neck felt awfully cold, having never been exposed until now. Thanks to her naturally dark skin color, she didn't have an awkward tan line.

She turned to Colt with a "do I look fabulous or what?" expression.

"Nice." He smiled.

"Wait up, I gotta go see." She dashed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Not half bad. She grinned.

Making her way back to the living room, she nodded to Colt. "Let's go to the Bar."

"Alright." He straightened his shirt collar and stood at the front door, making a show of cringing away from the burning light.

"Pfft." Shelly stepped around him and walked quickly down the road. As expected, he had to jog to catch up.

In no time, they were in the Bar, both taking a moment to revel in the cold, cave-like air before finding their usual spot.

The regulars were here, of course. As well as Rosa and Spike. (They were inseparable.)

And just like every single day, Shelly found a conversation to eavesdrop on and Colt found one to add side commentary for shits and giggles.

Shelly zoned in on yet another one of Carl and Rico's odd conversations.

"Dude, I'll never get a girl." Carl was saying woefully.

"Just you wait. The perfect one will find you soon." Rico countered.

"It'd be easier if I wasn't a robot, you know. I feel like a human and think like one, but I'm stuck in this metal body." Carl sighed.

"I feel you, homie." Rico put a hand on his shoulder.

The conversation disinterested Shelly, so she listened for another. She was capable of eavesdropping from all the way across the Bar with careful focus and drowning out all other noise.

Soon, she heard her name uttered from someone who sounded a bit like Bibi, so she twisted to find her. Shelly soon locked onto her voice.

"I mean, she's my type, but she's already got a boyfriend." Bibi said.

Shelly listened for a reply.

"Who else has caught your eye?" It seemed to be Bull who answered.

"No one else." Bibi sounded irritated.

Shelly covered her mouth and forced herself to not look at Bibi. If I heard correctly, Bibi's into girls. Like holy shit.

She resumed listening.

"What's so great about Shelly anyway?" Bull asked.

Gee thanks, Bull. Shelly scowled.

"I don't know. She's pretty, and I just like how she can be serious one moment and silly the next. My type, I tell you." Bibi replied, and if casual shrugs were audible, Shelly definitely heard one.

"Oh well. Good luck with your love life." Bull said, and Shelly tuned out the conversation.

Oh.... oh dear. Shelly tried not to look shocked, and turned around to resume sipping the coke she ordered a bit ago.

Good to know, good to know.

Its nearly 200 words shorter than normal, but it sounded like the best possible place to end off. Apologies. Its also published today instead of tomorrow as promised. That was an accident but I didn't wanna unpublish on you guys~

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