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Thank you for playing, Coceeemon  😊

It was a cool, spring morning, and Shelly was awake early. She made her way down the dark oak stairs, the smell of bacon and muffins calling her to breakfast. Stepping off onto the first landing, she clapped her hands in a little happy dance, and suddenly, she teleported forward, slamming into the wall. She fell back, shaking her head dizzily. Her nose gushed out onto her hands, and she stumbled for the nearest bathroom. It was so sudden, she didn't even begin to ponder what happened until she made it to a bathroom. Her nose dripped into the sink, splattering blood everywhere. Her mind caught up and was racing, what the heck?

Across the house, Mortis smelled the blood. His nose quivered at the delicious scent, and he followed it in a daze to the bathroom. He passed through the kitchen on the way, where Colt was pulling muffins out of the oven. Stopping in the bathroom doorway, he saw Shelly hunched over the sink, bleeding from her nose. She saw him in the mirror.

"Smelled it, did you?" She laughed.

Mortis smiled sheepishly, pulling his shovel from his back. He put it point-down on the tile. He often did so when staying in one place for more than 30 seconds; It acted as support, as the vampire was very lanky and therefore had weak legs. But just as the point hit the floor, the shovel flung itself in a small circle around Mortis. He was carried with it, as though it was moving by itself. Luckily, the doorposts were far enough apart and Shelly far enough away to not get hit.

Mortis stood in stunned silence, looking down at the shovel with wide eyes. Shelly made a connection then.

"Don't worry, that happened to me too." She said.

"What?" He blinked at her.

"Remember about 4 months ago when we got a new Star Power? How I suddenly healed when I got close to death, and how you could dash farther?" Shelly asked, and Mortis nodded. "Well, I think that's what that was." She pointed to his shovel.

"What makes you say that?" He strapped the weapon back over his shoulders.

"'Cause it happened to me about 5 minutes ago." Shelly clapped her hands and was instantly right in front of him. "See?" She stepped back.

"So it happened when you clapped? What did I do to trigger mine?" Mortis eyed his shovel from where it poked out to his side.

"Looks like it happened when your shovel point hit the floor." She observed, but before he could try it, Colt stepped into the doorway beside Mortis.

"Mortis had his dazed "I smell blood" face on, so I came to investigate." He said, then saw Shelly's nose. "Oh, did you hit it on something?"

"Yeah, hold on. Call everyone to the living room. I think we've a matter to discuss." Shelly replied, wiping her nose on a sleeve.


When everyone was present and seated on a couch in the living room, Shelly stood up in front of them, clearing her throat.

"Ok, so you remember 4 months ago when we all got a new Star Power?" She began, and the others nodded, "Well, it seems we got another one, or something like it." Murmurs of surprise rippled through them.

"Mortis?" Shelly said expectantly, and he took out his shovel. He stepped a safe distance away from the couches and brawlers, and then placed it point-down on the carpet. Like last time, his shovel flung itself in a circle, basically dragging Mortis with it. A gasp rippled through the room, and Shelly continued.

"Mine, I discovered too." And she did the little clap and was instantly in front of the coffee table. It was level with her knees, and she ended up smacking them both on it, like her nose with the wall.

"I need to be more careful with that," She chuckled.

"Cool!" Leon exclaimed. He stamped his feet with excitement, and suddenly, there were two of him. He shrieked and jumped up.

"Whoa!" Nita backed away as the duplicate walked up to her.

It stopped right in front of her, as though daring her to attack it. When she moved away, it followed, and stayed the same distance away. When she didn't move, it stood motionless. The chest didn't rise and fall, the eyes didn't blink. Its face was settled to look bored; the expression never changed.

"Well, I guess we found your new power." Shelly blinked in amazement at the clone.

Leon stomped his foot again, and another clone peeled away from him. It again headed towards Nita, probably because she was the closest to him.

"How strange." Nita said while stomping her own foot, with the purpose of sending a shock wave to attack the clone. It died in one hit, but instead of disintegrating, it simply disappeared as though it had never been.  She killed the other one, too, because it was freaking her out.

Everyone else in the room started clapping or stomping or trying various things with their bodies and weapons. 20 minutes later and Colt had found that his revolvers reloaded themselves when he tapped them to his thighs, Nita found that Brutus stunned nearby brawlers when Nita whistled, at poor Tara's expense. Rico found that bullets popped into existence around him when he snapped his fingers, and then flung themselves at the brawlers, but luckily, they were weak and left only bruises.

Bull found that he could heal himself by thumping his chest with a fist, and so could Bibi, but by tapping her bat to the floor, like Mortis' shovel, and the siblings' bruises and scrapes all disappeared. Piper's was strange, for when she elbowed herself in the hip, a bullet came from nowhere. It shot at Shelly, knocking her back into a couch.

It didn't do much damage, but Shelly figured the knock back was supposed to make up for the weak offense.

And finally came Tara, who could see through things for a few seconds when she blinked twice in rapid succession.

"That's a cool one," She was told more than once.

Colt went to get the bacon and muffins, and
while they ate, they talked about these new abilities.

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