Q&A answers

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In this short chapter, I'm just gonna answer the questions asked. I'll update the storyline sometime tomorrow.

"So there are many brawlers we dont saw on story not in battle like crow mortis frank gene will we see them"

Well, they don't play that big a role in the story, so they don't show up often. (Except Mortis. We'll need him later.)

"Not even electricity, gas, water, etc?
That is O_O"

I didn't really think about that 😅

"How old are the brawlers in this story? (Or just the ones that appear in almost every chapter?) owo"


Shelly - 23
Colt - 25
Piper - 28
Rico - 2 (mentally 25ish)
Bibi - 24
Nita - 15
Leon - 15
Jessie - 14
Bull - 32
Tara - 31
Poco - 67
Pam - 47
Darryl - 2 (mentally 40ish)
Brock - 26
Bo - 34
Gene - 49
Barley - 3 (mentally 30ish)
Carl - 1 (mentally 18ish)
El Primo - 39
Frank - 106
Penny - 17
Spike - 44
Crow - 46
Rosa - 29
Tick - 1 week (mentally retarded)
Mike - 55
Mortis - 301


"Jene and tara cousins, Mortis tara's boyfriend?"

Gene and Tara are from the same region, yes. Cousins? Not even close. And as for Mortis and Tara, we shall see.

That concludes the Q&A. Hope this helped clear up any confusion and such. And thank you Vittochan for asking that! It was a very good question and I enjoyed answering it😊

Until tomorrow~

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