A Bit Of Brawlin'

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Shelly slept fitfully that night, knowing what was to come at 6 p.m. the next day.

The morning came, and Shelly jumped up, muscles protesting. She shuffled down the hallway to the kitchen, throwing open the fridge on the hunt for breakfast. Unfortunately, the fridge was pretty much empty besides a carton of eggs and a ball of lettuce still in the plastic wrapping.

Shelly stared at the meager scraps, pursed her lips, and whispered to herself, "Nope." She closed the fridge slowly, the room falling a bit darker with the loss of the fridge light.

She adjusted her bandanna which had gone askew in sleep, then headed down to the Bar.

I wonder what the brawlers that don't go to the Bar do all day. They must be bored. Shelly thought on the way there, then froze.

Passing Tara's house, a small dwelling painted dark gray and silver, Shelly heard shouts and cheers and boos coming from the backyard. She crept forward curiously, peering over the tall, white fence.

To her greatest surprise, about 3/4 of the entire town's population was there, watching..... a fight? Outside matches? But that was illegal.

The brawlers had formed a ring around who appeared to be Bibi and Piper. "Fight, fight, fight!" Most of them were saying, though among them was Jessie who was poking Pam's shoulder and asking what was going on. They both looked uneasy.

Bibi twirled her bat and Piper cocked her umbrella disguised rifle, the two circling each other.

Shelly climbed the fence and shoved a few people out of the way to get to the front. Bruh, what the fuck is going on here? And why's it happening in Tara's yard? And why's nobody trying to stop this? And lastly, this is a very unfair fight.

Bibi took a swing at Piper, who jumped back and fired blindly over Bibi's shoulder. They wore grim expressions of poorly concealed volcanic rage, obviously having pissed each other off or something.

Bibi advanced on Piper with her bat held in front of her, both a shield and a weapon. Piper scrambled back, stopping just outside the brawler ring's range. There was nothing really she could do in the way of defense and her offense was questionable.

Bibi raised the bat, making to crack Piper's head open and undoubtedly kill her. But before the blow landed, Shelly was there. She caught the bat, crouching in front of Piper.

"Ahem, what are you doing?" She asked, dropping the bat, helping Piper to her feet, and then clutching her wrists and trying not to cry.

"Move." Bibi glared at her.

So Shelly turned to Piper. "What happened?"

"Merci, mon ami. Bibi was teasing me about Rico, so I threw an insult, then she did. We went back and forth and kind of worked ourselves into a rage, so here we are." Piper brushed invisible dirt off her dress.

"Ah, I see. So you were provoked?" Shelly could tell Bibi was trying to kill her with force of her glare behind her back, but she ignored her.


"Wait, so what are you doing in Tara's backyard?"

"Bibi dragged me here so we could fight where no one would see me die, since this seemed to be the closest yard with a fence, but that didn't happen." Piper spoke sourly and gestured to the crowd.

"Oh." Shelly cupped her hands to her mouth and said loud and clear, "Excuse me ladies and gents, you're gonna have to leave now, thank you."

A bit of grumbling and a couple minutes later, everyone had gone except Shelly, Piper, and Bibi. The baseball star was doing a breathing exercise, looking more relaxed.

Too bad Rico wasn't here, or I wouldn't have had to step in. Shelly rubbed her aching wrists. The three brawlers were standing around awkwardly.

"Eh," Bibi coughed guiltily and broke the silence, "I'm sorry Piper. I didn't mean to anger you." She said, all her fire gone.

Piper hesitated for a moment, but eventually said, "It's alright. I should've recognized it as a joke and not insulted you."

Shelly nodded, satisfied, though it was a bit sappy for her taste. "Ok, so we're all good now? Great! Now let's go before Tara finds us and kills us all." She pushed them both heartily to the fence where the trio climbed up and over and quickly left Tara's property.

Without another word, they all went their separate ways, Bibi to the Bar, Piper to her giant fancy house, and Shelly to her own, less impressive dwelling. Upon seeing Piper's house a distance down the road, it occurred to Shelly that she still didn't know what was in that purse Piper wished to keep secret.

I'll know eventually. Shelly shrugged and entered her house. She went to the freezer and pulled out two ice packs to hold on her wrists, which felt fiery and most definitely swollen. Catching a full-force swing of Bibi's had taken its toll.

She sat down on the couch, looking glumly at the broken coffee table. She regretted breaking it, though there wasn't much to be done now.

Shelly glanced at the time on her phone, anticipating 6 o' clock with a mixture of dread and excitement.

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