Purple Ghoul

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So I found out that Frank (from Supercell) confirmed that Nita and Leon are siblings, but since I started this story before he said that, they are not related and still dating. Ignore the Sweet Home Alabama song playing in the back.

While they talked, Shelly noticed for the first time that Piper had that black purse over her shoulder. It hung at her hip casually, as if it didn't contain some Piper secrets. Shelly left her own couch to sit by the blonde, and then whispered to her, "Still not ready to reveal what's in that purse?"

Piper flinched away with an indignant look. "It's been 6 months! Forget about it already." She hissed back.

"Does Rico know?" Shelly pushed.

"If he did, he wouldn't tell you." Piper said very savagely, and bared her teeth.

Rico noticed her agitation and pulled her into his arms, away from Shelly. He patted her hair soothingly.

Her fierce reaction made Shelly even more curious, but she just shrugged and left back to her own couch, leaning on Colt. He was talking to Mortis about how often the vampire ate, and how Tara donated blood. Without breaking conversation, he slid his hand into Shelly's and squeezed reassuringly. Shelly smiled to herself.


About half an hour later, Leon found that his clones could carry out tasks and commands, and just like that, it was decided that they'd be the "maids." Leon sent them to work dusting and cleaning laundry and such.

After that, they went back down to the beach for the 14 billionth time that week. Unlike most times, there was someone else besides them there. They wore a hood over their head, and baggy sweatpants. They had a magenta and purple purse on one hip, and purple hair poked out of the hood. They seemed very tall, like 5'6". Overall, they seemed feminine, but one can never be too sure. The stranger spotted them and froze. They seemed uncertain of whether to run or introduce themselves, so Shelly saved them the trouble and approached them. Their shoulders dropped in acceptance, and they pulled off their hood.

It was a young female, either late teens or early twenties. And they weren't human, Shelly noticed with a start. The stranger had pointed ears and light purple skin, and fangs poked out of her upper lip. Black lipstick and eyeliner was the only makeup she wore, and finally, a magenta hoop earring hung from her right ear. Long, flowing purple hair covered the other ear, but if it didn't, Shelly was sure there'd be another hoop there.

(A.N. I say female instead of woman because women are adult humans, and brawlers are not human. Therefore, she is simply female.)

"Sup, I'm Emma, but if you don't wanna die, you call me Emz." She said matter-of-factly.

Shelly nodded. "I'm Shelly, that's Colt, Tara, Mortis, Piper, Rico, Leon, Nita, Bull, and Bibi." She pointed to each of them in turn. They could all tell that Emz was a brawler, so no one protested when Shelly gave her their identities.

"You guys aren't humans, are you?" Emz nodded to Rico, then the others' strange clothes and hair colors, and their weapons.

"No, and neither are you." Bibi replied.

"In my whole life, I have only ever met one other brawler," Emz tilted her head, "So this is totally unexpected."

"There are a lot more of us where we came from, but still, we are a pretty rare species." Colt spoke this time.

Emz nodded acknowledgement before quizzing them on their weapons and Star Powers. They ran through all, doing demonstrations when Emz asked. Finally, they finished.

"How do you know your weapon and Star Powers?" Nita piped up. "Have you ever brawled?"

"Yeah, I got in a fight with some old friends and it got pretty bad. I only meant to temporarily blind them with my hairspray, but instead, they sort of, uhm, melted." She paused with a cough, "But not before killing me, too. I woke up in a warehouse about five minutes away from here, and walked away without a scratch." Emz furrowed her brow, obviously still puzzled about that last part.

Shelly was concerned about the fact that Emz had murdered some people and didn't seem to mind, but before she could say anything, Bibi commented, "So there's a spawn point here too?"

Emz shrugged. "I guess."


They talked for a while, and it turned out that Frank was the only other brawler Emz had met, and also her father. She didn't ask about how he was doing, and Shelly would've asked why, but she recalled never hearing anything about a daughter from Frank. Perhaps they didn't like each other.

Eventually the conversation turned to the new extra powers that they discovered earlier that day. Emz had apparently already discovered hers; whenever she tapped her foot, all humans/brawlers within a foot of her were pushed away by some invisible force. She said she'd accidentally done it in the Supermarket and knocked some shoppers into the shelves. She'd had to make a hasty retreat before someone called the police.

After that story, she asked for their extra powers.

"Let's call it a Gadget, 'cause it's like a tool you can use." Leon suggested, and they all agreed.

One by one they showed Emz their Gadgets. Bibi and Bull punched each other in the jaw to demonstrate their healing abilities, which Nita couldn't help laughing at. Leon's Gadget got an "ooh, useful" from Emz, and Tara's got a "lucky. "

When this was all done, they went about their usual activities in the waves or tide pools or sand, except Bibi had clung to Emz like a leech. She had an obvious crush, but Emz seemed unfazed. She constantly had to peel Bibi from her arm with a polite grimace. At one point, Bibi ended up pulling off Emz's arm, which got a high-pitched shriek, but Emz just rolled her eyes and reattached it with some surgical tape. She said that she was some kind of undead, like her father, so this happened all the time and it was an easy fix.


The afternoon wore on slowly, the new brawler in their midst taking much attention. Emz seemed curious about Rico, (probably about why he was so smart for a robot), but she never approached him.

Soon, it was dusk and people began to complain about being hungry. Mortis snuck a quick snack from Tara, which made them lose their appetites. Shelly acknowledged that they should eat before night fall, so they left the beach. Emz was asked about a house or family to return to, but she explained that she lived by herself in a cheap apartment and hadn't eaten properly in months. Shelly could tell; Emz was frighteningly thin, like skin stretched over bones. So naturally, they took her out to sushi with them.

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