Bonus Event

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    Late in the afternoon, near sunset, Shelly awoke. "Oh shit." Was her first thought as she looked out the window. Observing that it was sunset, she knew her sleep schedule was so messed up.

    The sun slipped down the horizon rather fast, as though it was being dragged. Shelly watched it go. She'd always loved sunset, especially here in the West, where the sun painted murals in the sky. She sighed and made her way to the kitchen. The medicine cabinet provided her with melatonin, which she downed in the form of a gummy. An effort to fix her sleep schedule.

    A couple minutes later, Shelly became drowsy. Shortest day of my life. She fell asleep on the couch.


    An annoying ray of sunlight shone straight and true through the window, aiming directly for Shelly's snoozing face. She hissed at the light like a vampire, awake in an instant, jumping up to close the curtains. "Rude." She muttered, as though the sun might hear her.

    In the kitchen, Shelly made two pancakes. She ate them quickly, and realized she was still hungry. "Eh, I'm to lazy to make more." She shrugged.

   A few minutes later, Shelly was halfway down the street to the bar. "Good morning!" She exclaimed the second she came through the door.

    Bull, Leon, Nita, Barley, Mortis, Rosa, Piper, and Rico all said "Good morning" back. (As they were the only ones there.)

    "Where's Colt?" Shelly scanned their faces as she asked, taking a seat beside Leon at the bar. Since he was just a kid, he was drinking soda and not beer or whiskey like the rest of them. Except Nita, of course. She was a kid too, drinking koolaid.

    Shelly noticed with an "awwww" that Leon and Nita were holding hands. Young love. Leon went red but to his credit, did not let go of Nita's hand. "Could you not?" He hissed.

    "As you wish," Shelly winked and looked back at the adults. "Colt?"

   "No, haven't seen him." The people chorused.

    "Alright, thanks." She nodded to them and left the Bar.

    A little ways down the road, Shelly was struck with a sudden idea. Text him, you idiot.
Oh, right. She pulled out her phone and went to contacts.

Hewo bro where r u?

    She waited a couple minutes before her phone went off.

oh hai. im at home, watching movies cuz what else have i got to do. #needalife

ok lol mind id i join u?
mind if* rip my spelling sry

its ok and sure u can join me


k cya in a sec

    Shelly pocketed her phone and headed to Colt's house. She knocked on the door. Colt answered immediately. "Hey! I'm watching Shanghai Noon. There's popcorn on the coffee table and jellybeans in the pantry." He ushered her inside.

    Shelly snagged the jellybeans and sat beside Colt on the couch. She acted at his house as she did at her own, since they'd been friends for countless years.

    They watched the movie starring Jackie Chan, laughed until their stomachs cramped, and finished on the floor.

(A.N. Shanghai Noon is literally the funniest movie of all time I'm not exaggerating you HAVE TO WATCH IT.)

    "Oh my gosh, I love that movie!" Shelly wiped tears from her eyes.

    "I know right!" Colt had trouble forming complete sentences around his laughing.


    A couple hours later, Shelly and Colt sat around at the Bar, chatting with other brawlers and struggling to fight the boredom. Right as Shelly was about to dose off, the large speakers in the Town Hall range out, Attention! Attention! A bonus event is being called to play! Duo Showdown, Island Invasion. Gather at the Town Hall immediately! The speakers finished, and every brawler dropped what they were doing and headed to Town Hall. Bonus events were rare, so they were all more excited than usual.

    "Duo, you heard its Duo, right?"
    "Duo? Hallelujah I love Duo!"
    "We neverrrrr get to do Duo!"

    Many voices spoke at once.

    The brawlers looked around at each other, all wondering who would be their partner. It was randomly selected, you know.

    The match began, and everyone teleported and spawned into the Island Invasion arena. Shelly turned to see who her partner was. It was Leon. "Oh hey kid." She nodded at him.

    Leon looked at her earnestly. "Please don't touch Nita." Was all he said before he darted off into the bushes.

    "Um, okay." Shelly shrugged and followed him.                                                                                                                                                       

    Minutes passed without activity, but gradually the sound of screams and gunfire built up in the distance, and Shelly felt eyes on her. The bushes to her left made the softest little whisper, which was warning enough. Shelly spun in time to catch El Primo's fist as he appeared from the bushes.

    El Primo pulled his fist out of her hand and reared back to strike again. Shelly managed to catch the second assault, but forgot he had two hands. Idiot. She thought right as he nailed her in the side with the other. She crumpled to the ground, potentially dead. She was afraid he'd broken a rib or two.

  She couldn't breathe, the wind having been knocked from her. She hugged herself and pulled her knees to her stomach, momentarily disabled. Shelly squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the death blow.

    Ten seconds later, Shelly realized she wasn't dead, and cracked an eye open. She saw, to her amazement, Colt pointing his revolvers at the back of El Primo's head. "Move along." He said in a soft, threatening voice. El Primo glared daggers, but trudged away through the bushes. He didn't get far before Colt shot him down.

    "Haha," Shelly wheezed.

    Colt helped her to her feet. "Kill me now, would you?" She leaned heavily on his shoulder.

    "Ahem, you're welcome?" Colt set her down against a rock.

    "Oh right, thanks." Shelly's head lolled sideways. "Primo got me good." She coughed.

    "Who's your teammate?" Colt asked.

    "Leon. Why?"

    "I'll go get him to guard you." Colt sprinted away.

    "Oh, thanks..." She spoke into empty air.

    Just then, Mortis and Crow emerged from the bushes in front of Shelly. Apparently on a team. "Well shit."

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