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Colt and Shelly woke up side by side in Shelly's bed, Colt on the very edge and Shelly in the middle.

Colt had wisely heeded the warning about sleeping too close to Shelly, and nearly the entire night he was half slipping off the bed.

"Oh, good morning." Shelly sat up and looked at him.

"Figh more minnus..." He responded, slowly rolling over to find a more comfortable position.

Shelly didn't even try to stop him as he rolled off and thumped down on the floor.

"Hah," She shook her head in mock exasperation, but after a moment of silence, she peered over the side at him to make sure he was okay.

Ah, he was fine. Just had fallen back to sleep.

"Seriously?" Shelly poked him, but he didn't stir, so she gave up on him and left the room.

In the living room, Shelly lay down on the couch and stared at the ceiling, looking for pictures in the bumpy, white paint. It was something to combat boredom, and it usually worked rather well.

(A.N. has anyone else done this before? Where you look for shapes in the bumps in the paint on your wall? No? Just me? Ok...)

She found something that resembled a rabbit, and then another shape that could only be called a boat.

Maybe ten minutes later, though it felt like a couple centuries, Colt trudged slowly out of the hallway and to the kitchen, pouring the last bit of remaining coffee from the pot into a mug. He leaned against the counter and took a sip now and then, his brain obviously walking among the stars.

Shelly knew he was there, but didn't acknowledge him. She closed her eyes, and her brain, too, began to wander. Drifting past thoughts about leaving, and where she'd go.


Part 30

It had been several months, and many brawlers had arrived in Brawl Town, seeking shelter from the outside world.

The newest arrival was Mr. P, a short man in a penguin suit who used to be a flight attendant. Weird, but not the weirdest. Brawl Town had a genie and a Japanese baseball star, after all.

Shelly and Colt were moving about Shelly's house, throwing things into boxes and rummaging around in old, forgotten corners of the dwelling. Colt had moved in three months ago, his house now being used by Bea and Max, the young cousins.

Shelly had a new neighbor now, among the other changes. A house had been built behind Shelly's to accommodate Sandy. She kind of missed the isolation, but Sandy was asleep 26/7, so it was fine.

Three months, and Shelly had finally decided to move. Hopefully the humans are friendlier than we've heard. She thought, throwing clothes into boxes.

All of a sudden, Colt yelled across the house, "Hey babe, do you want me to pack your gold?"

Shelly's heart fluttered. Just a simple nickname had her good. It's dumb to be so girly. The voice in Shelly's head whispered in disapproval. I don't care, shut up.

"Yes, I think we'll need it!" She told him.

She heard a faint "K" and clinking metal as he dumped her bucket of gold nuggets into a suitcase.

Shelly laughed and kept packing.
For the first time in a long time, Shelly wore something other than her brawling outfit. Today, it was a pair of sky-blue gym shorts and a white t-shirt. Colt, too, wore different clothes. Sweatpants and t-shirts were his new thing. Shelly marveled at how much cozier it was, and asked herself why she hadn't done this a while ago.

They hadn't left the house much, too busy packing and all. But when they did, a few brawlers commented on how human they looked. Shelly didn't know how to take that, since brawling was everything she was.

She had come to Brawl Town 6 years ago, running from- never mind. Only Town Hall and two or three houses had been there, so she moved in and watched the town grow up around her. She was, after all, the First Brawler.
A few hours later, and the packing was finally complete. It was echoey and deathly still in the old, empty house. Gray walls made it feel darker and smaller, and without the orange rug Shelly put down all over the place, it felt like the pale floor would somehow manage to eat you if you weren't careful.

Shelly laughed at those childish thoughts. She was too emotionally attached to this building for her to find it scary in any way. She had taken the time to decorate and brighten the house, so it felt a bit like her child. It had witnessed the most important years of her young life, and she was definitely going to miss it.
"So I called the moving van," Colt said, squinting at the horizon, "And they said they could be here in about 2 and a half hours."

Shelly just nodded, riddled with nerves. She came up to Colt's side with a distant expression.

"We're doing it, my dear. We're finally moving." She said.

Colt smiled. "Yes, soon you'll see the ocean as you've always wanted."

Soon. Shelly sighed deeply. Soon we'll go back home.

I know it's been like 5 years. I have no defense and I'm sorry. But the story will be resuming, as I've found inspiration to write again. Back stories will be revealed and tea will spill in Arc Two of Slowly.

Slowly (A Brawl Stars Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon