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billies point of view

i'll message her now i think.

billie: hey, it's billie

Y/N: oh hey...?

she doesn't sound too excited to hear from me.

Y/N: what are you up to ?

billie: just chilling with my brother. how about you?

Y/N: bored. hey wanna catch up and watch some movies maybe? i'm bored lol.

um yes

billie: fuck yeah. i'm down. i'll send you the adress if you can't remember seeing as you where fucked last night.

Y/N: no worries catchya

your point of view

i'm gonna head over to dani's first and check up on her before she goes on tour. i'm excited for her.


"hey dani" i said walking through the door.

"hey Y/N" said dani walking over to greet me with a hug.

"thought i'd pop over and see you before you leave for tour. i'm sorry i can't come with you. gotta look after stacey. and she's gotta go to school. if she didn't have to go to school we would both come with you." i said glancing over her shoulder. i saw billies hoodie on the back of the chair. i smiled.

"it's okay. i've got eli and isaac coming anyway." she said with a smile.

i walked over to the couch and picked up billies hoodie.

"i'm gonna take this to billies. we're hanging out today" i said playing with the tag. danielle smiled at me and laughed.

"what are you laughing at huh?" i said smiling along.

"billie asked me for your number yesterday and i gave it to her" she said biting her nail.

"so you gave her my number, did she really ask for it?" i said blushing

"yes, you're so red." she said smiling even more. i laughed at danielle and walked over to the door giving her a hug before i left.

"be safe on your tour okay" i said hugging dani.

"i will don't worry. have fun with your girlfriend." dani said teasing me.

i rushed out the door and blushed so hard.

"she's not..." i couldn't finish my sentence

"I LOVE YOU" she interrupted

"i love you more" i said back.

she closed the door and i made my way back to the car. i gave billie a text to let her know i was in my way.

Y/N: hey. i'm on my way to the shops to get some snacks and then i'll be there soon.

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