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billies point of view.

shit. i feel really bad for her. poor thing. i wish i could make all her pain go away.

i looked over to the door. the nurse was coming over to me

"love, Y/N will be able to leave tomorow night. sorry she won't be stable enough to go home tonight. you're allowed to stay but we will have to run some tests early tomorow morning if that's okay. we will wake you up before we take her to the examination room" the nurse said. she made it sound worse than it was.

"yeah. that's fine. thanks for letting me know" i said frowning.

"billie" she said

"yeah" i said

"are you gonna stay again tonight?" she said

"only if you want me to" i said scratching my lip

your point of view.

ofcourse i want her to stay.

"yeah ofcourse" i said to quickly after she asked.

i watched as jah and finneas where leaving. it was just gonna be me and billie soon.

"yo Y/N, we off" said jah as he walked up to me and billie sitting on the bed.

i stood up and hugged jah. he kissed my cheek and grabbed my shoulders. giving me a little shake as he looked into my eyes.

"youre strong. you'll be okay baby" jah said to her

baby? why does he get to call her that.

"thanks for being here for me" i said smiling

"thanks for getting into a car crash, gave me a good excuse to come see you" he said winking. billies wink was hotter.

i laughed and hugged finneas and isaac. eli had been in the cafeteria pigging out so he would probably just text me goodbye.

"cya. good to see you again. get well okay" said finneas

"i'll see you soon bro." said isaac as he walked up to billie to hug her.

"take care of her" finneas whispered loud enough for me to hear, to billie.

"i will" she said looking at me. i looked away pretending i didn't hear that.

that was so cute. everything this girl does it cute.

finneas and the rest walked out. it was just me and billie now. billie walked over to me once again and sat down. it felt like time had frozen. i could stay like this forever.

"how are you feeling?" billie said to me and she shuffled her feet on the floor

"fine" i said nervous.

"you don't have to lie to me you know. i know that you're not okay. talk to me."she said

"i was in a car accident." i said.

"it's not your fault" she said confidentially

"mm" i groaned.

"listen to me. i wanted you to stay longer. i just wanted you to stay at my place. but i let you go. i shouldn't have let you go. i should have MADE you stay. it's my fault if it's gonna be someone's" she said looking me in the eyes.

"it's not your fault. definately not. i wish i had of  stayed though" i said

"just don't ever blame yourself okay." she said as i looked down again. "hey i need to ask you something. and you don't have to say yes because i know this is a hard time for you. so no pressure at all okay"

"shoot" i said waiting to see what the question was.

"will you come on tour with me?" i'm speechless

"i-" i started

"you don't have to" she said

"what- i- yes ofcourse i will" i hugged billie tight. she hugged me back. her hair smells so good.

"good." she said. "i'll pay for everything. like the flights and everything. the hotels..... and the food" she laughed.

" no. if i'm coming then i have to pay" i said

"no. i'm paying okay" she said smiling.

"ugh" i moaned again. "fine"

"that's what i thought" billie said playfully

i laughed.

"why me though" i said "why not the twins or jah?"

"i want you to come with me. you're fun and i like you" billie said with a straight face.

i didn't know where to put my words at this point. i am speechless.

"i like you too" i said smiling. "you're amazing"

she smiled.

i leaned in

billies point of view.

is she finally gonna kiss me?

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