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'' Today we'll be getting a new student! Everybody, say hello to Byun Baekhyun! ''

I yawned and slowly raised my head from my desk. The rest of the students in the class began murmuring to each other and talking about the student that was standing at the board. I rested my chin against my hand and gazed out the window with a bored expression on my face. I slightly tilted my head and my tired eyes followed the cherry blossoms that fell from the tree growing outside with each gust of wind. Petals were spiralling through the air and spring has just barely begun.

'' Nice to meet all of you! I hope we'll get along well! My name is Byun Baekhyun and I- ''

My gaze slowly moved towards the new student standing by the board. I wasn't the slightest bit interested in him at first, then my eyes locked with his. My heart skipped a beat when I recognised him and he stopped in the middle of his sentence. My classmates frowned with confusion when they saw his face turn to shock all of the sudden, while the two of us continued staring at each other as a memory flashed in my head.

A year has passed since that spring and I clearly remembered there were cherry blossoms circling through the blue sky that day too. The sun was shining on the sky, my hands were behind my head and the sound of footsteps made me open my eyes. I saw a boy climbing over the railing that was surrounding the rooftop of the hospital and a scream broke out of my mouth.

Students turned their heads with surprise when they heard me jump on my feet and make my chair fall over behind me. The teacher frowned with confusion and asked me if there was something wrong, but I didn't respond and continued staring at the boy that was standing next to him. His eyes grew wide with surprise when I made my way towards him and he took two steps back. My features were distorted with anger, he held his breath and I punched him straight in the face. He stumbled back and fell and I would've continued hitting him if two students wouldn't quickly get up, grab me and drag me away from him.

'' Stop it! What are you doing, Ji? '' my friend Sehun, who was holding one of my arms hissed and tried to get me to calm down again. '' What are you doing, Ji? ''

The teacher clenched his fingers in to fists and yelled: '' Jihyun! What has gotten in to you? Are you crazy? ''

I heard one of the students chuckle and whisper to her friend: '' Crazy Jihyun is at it again. Looks like she wanted to give a special welcoming to the newcomer in hell! ''

'' Ji, '' Sehun leaned closer and whispered. His eyebrows were furrowed with confusion and his face was serious. '' What's going on? Are you... Are you crying? ''

His question made me stop struggling in his arms. I was still staring at Baekhyun, who was on the ground and looking back at me with a shocked expression on his face. My hand shot up and I touched my cheek. My eyes grew wide when I felt a tear and realised that Sehun was right. I really was crying.

I hit Sehun with my elbow to make him let me go and ripped myself from his and the other guy's grip. I could hear him and the teacher yell after me, but I didn't turn back after I ran out of the classroom. I continued running until I was sure that they weren't following me and stumbled behind a vending machine in one of the school hallways. My hands were trembling when I covered my face with them and slowly slid to the ground.

A year has passed since the spring when everything changed and I was crying again just like that day.

failures II » kpop ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon