one | [secret job]

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'' play to the last note, and leave no regrets ''


The Artista boarding house was nothing but a loony bin.

I kept trying to convince my aunt to just turn it in to a hotel or something like that, but no, according to her, it was much more fun to have a bunch of teenagers under our roof. She said that keeping kids around helped her stay young, but I knew that it was just a way of her to have a bunch of sons and daughters without going through the struggle of actually having them. That way she could have fun with them and be the cool aunt until something bad happened. That was when I had to step in and clean up the mess. Most of the work that she did just included collecting the rent at the beginning of every month, while I was the one stuck dealing with a bunch of problems that weren't even mine. I could understand why they found it easier to confide in me instead of her, since I was closer to their age, but I was still annoyed when I had to do things like take care of drunk girls, fix random holes in walls and ceilings or go on midnight convenience store runs.

Every year I told myself that perhaps the new group was going to be a bit more normal than the last one and every year they managed to prove me wrong.

There was a difference this March though. The spring wind brought a colourful set of characters to our boarding house and this time... Things somehow managed to go a bit more wrong than last year and everything started when one of the new inhabitants went out to look for a job.

'' Nya nya! Welcome to Pawpaw Paradise, master! Meow, can I offer you a- ''

Oh no.

Don't tell me he...

'' This definitely isn't the Pawpaw pet store, but I ain't even mad. ''

The person standing in front of me was no one else than Byun Baekhyun. He was the singer that changed my life forever without even realising it. I thought I would never see him again after the encounter that we had last summer, but somehow he ended up becoming one of the new inhabitants of our boarding house. I had no doubt that my aunt had something to do with it, since she was the one who went through the applications of all the people who applied. She definitely recognised him, but her plan ended up backfiring, because he didn't recognise me.

Looks like having that mental breakdown and giving myself ugly bangs at two in the morning finally paid off.

'' Hey, wait a second... You are the niece with the ugly bangs, aren't you?! ''


He forgot that I accompanied with my violin when he was auditioning for the prestigious music and arts academy, but he did know me as the niece of the owner of his new boarding house.

The niece with the badly cut bangs.

Why did something like this always have to happen? I barely recovered from the nickname that I got from last year's group. That was when I was going through another one of my phases and I decided that it would be a great idea to give myself a nose piercing. The inhabitants of the boarding house ended up calling me 'eggplant' for the rest of the year because of how purple and swollen my nose got at that time. I never told them that I secretly bailed at the last moment and put in a fake one.

The swelling was just a result of the fake piercing clip being too strong and cutting off the blood circulation in my nose.

My lower lip quivered and I yelled back in sadness: '' It's not my fault that my scissors slipped and cut my hair way too high up and sideways! There was a spider on the wall of my bathroom and the bangs aren't even that bad if you... If you... Whatever, they will grow back okay! I mean... I have no idea what you're talking about. ''

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